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abletonLinkIsMaster(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Controls whether the Ableton link session timeline should be the tempo master for the Pro DJ Link devices.
addDisconnectionListener(DisconnectionListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Adds the specified disconnection listener to be notified when we close our Carabiner connection.
addStateListener(StateListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Adds the specified state listener to receive the current connection state whenever we receive status updates from Carabiner.


Carabiner - Class in org.deepsymmetry.bcj
Manages tempo synchronization between an Ableton Link session and a Pro DJ Link network.
carabinerStatusReceived(State) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.bcj.StateListener
Called whenever we receive a status update from Carabiner.
connect() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Try to establish a connection to Carabiner.
connectionClosed(boolean) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.bcj.DisconnectionListener
Called when the Carabiner connection is closed.


disconnect() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Closes any active Carabiner connection.
DisconnectionListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.bcj
Implement this interface if you’d like to be notified when the Carabiner connection is closed, either intentionally or unexpectedly.


FULL - org.deepsymmetry.bcj.SyncMode
Bidirectional, determined by the Master and Sync states of players on the DJ Link network, including Beat Link’s VirtualCDJ, which stands in for the Ableton Link session.


getCarabinerPort() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Gets the port number that is being used to connect to Carabiner.
getDisconnectionListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Get the set of disconnection listeners that are currently registered.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getLatency() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Get the estimated latency in milliseconds between an actual beat played on a CDJ and when we receive the packet.
getState() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Get the current synchronization state.
getStateListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Get the set of state listeners that are currently registered.
getSyncToBars() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Check whether we should synchronize the Ableton Link and Pioneer timelines at the level of entire measures, rather than individual beats.


isActive() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Check whether there is currently an active connection to a Carabiner daemon, so synchronization is possible.
isSyncEnabled() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Check whether we have an active connection and are in any sync mode other than SyncMode.OFF.
isTempoValid(double) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Checks whether a tempo is a reasonable number of beats per minute.


latency - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
The estimated latency in milliseconds between when a beat is played on a CDJ and when we receive the packet that reports this has happened.
linkPeers - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
The number of peers that the Ableton Link network reports are connected, will be null if State.running is false.
linkTempo - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
The current tempo reported by the Ableton Link network, will be null if State.running is false.
lockTempo(double) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Starts holding the tempo of the Ableton Link session to the specified number of beats per minute.


MANUAL - org.deepsymmetry.bcj.SyncMode
External code will be calling Carabiner.lockTempo(double) and Carabiner.unlockTempo() to manipulate the Ableton Link session.


OFF - org.deepsymmetry.bcj.SyncMode
No synchronization is being performed.
org.deepsymmetry.bcj - package org.deepsymmetry.bcj


PASSIVE - org.deepsymmetry.bcj.SyncMode
Ableton Link always follows the Pro DJ Link network, and we do not attempt to control other players on that network.
port - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
The port on which the Carabiner daemon is listening.
probeAbletonBeatAtTime(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Find out what beat falls at the specified time in the link timeline, assuming 4 beats per bar since we are also dealing with Pro DJ Link, and taking into account the configured latency (see Carabiner.setLatency(int)).
probeAbletonBeatAtTime(long, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Find out what beat falls at the specified time in the link timeline, assuming 4 beats per bar since we are also dealing with Pro DJ Link, and taking into account the configured latency (see Carabiner.setLatency(int)).


removeDisconnectionListener(DisconnectionListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Removes the specified disconnection listener so it no longer receives notifications when we close our Carabiner connection.
removeStateListener(StateListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Removes the specified state listener so it no longer receives connection state updates when we receive status updates from Carabiner.
running - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
Whether we are currently connected to a Carabiner daemon, and thus able to perform synchronization.


setAbletonLinkTempo(double) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Sets the Ableton Link session tempo to the specified number of beats per minute, unless it is already close enough (within 0.005 beats per minute).
setCarabinerPort(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Set the port number to be used to connect to Carabiner.
setLatency(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Sets the estimated latency in milliseconds between an actual beat played on a CDJ and when we receive the packet.
setSyncMode(SyncMode) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Validates that the desired mode is compatible with the current state, and if so, updates our state to put us in that mode and performs any necessary synchronization.
setSyncToBars(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Set whether we should synchronize the Ableton Link and Pioneer timelines at the level of entire measures, rather than individual beats.
startAbletonTransport() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Tell Carabiner to start the Link session playing immediately, for any participants using Start/Stop Sync.
startAbletonTransport(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Tell Carabiner to start the Link session playing at the specified future moment, for any participants using Start/Stop Sync.
State - Class in org.deepsymmetry.bcj
An immutable value class representing a snapshot of the synchronization state.
StateListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.bcj
Implement this interface if you would like to receive state updates whenever Carabiner reports status changes.
stopAbletonTransport() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Tell Carabiner to stop the Link session playing immediately, for any participants using Start/Stop Sync.
stopAbletonTransport(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Tell Carabiner to stop the Link session playing at the specified future moment, for any participants using Start/Stop Sync.
syncAbletonLink(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Controls whether the Ableton Link session timeline is tied to the tempo and beat grid of the Pro DJ Link devices.
syncMode - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
The synchronization we are currently trying to maintain between the Ableton Link and Pro DJ Link networks, if any.
SyncMode - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.bcj
Tracks the synchronization, if any, being performed between the Ableton Link network and the Pro DJ Link network.
syncToBars - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
Whether the Ableton Link and Pro DJ Link timelines should be synchronized at the level of full musical measures rather than individual beats.


targetTempo - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.State
If we have been told to lock the Ableton Link tempo to a particular value, this will hold that value in beats per minute; otherwise, it will be null.


unlockTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.bcj.Carabiner
Allow the tempo of the Ableton Link session to be controlled by other participants.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.bcj.SyncMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.bcj.SyncMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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