Interface AnalysisTagListener

  • @API(status=STABLE)
    public interface AnalysisTagListener

    The listener interface for receiving updates when requested analysis information available for a track loaded in any player changes.

    Classes that are interested having up-to-date information track analysis for loaded tracks can implement this interface, and then pass the implementing instance to AnalysisTagFinder.addAnalysisTagListener(AnalysisTagListener, String, String). Then, whenever a player loads a new track (or the set of analysis information changes, so we know more or less about tracks in any loaded player), analysisChanged(AnalysisTagUpdate) will be called, with the currently available analysis information of a specific type (if any) for the track loaded in the player.

    James Elliott
    • Method Detail

      • analysisChanged

        void analysisChanged​(AnalysisTagUpdate update)
        Called when requested track analysis information available for a player has changed.
        update - provides information about what has changed