This is the main class for running Afterglow as a self-contained JAR application. When you are learning and experimenting in your REPL, the main namespace you want to be using is afterglow.examples
(-main & args)
The entry point when invoked as a jar from the command line. Parse options and start servers on the appropriate ports.
(init-logging appenders-map)
Set up the logging environment for Afterglow. Called by main when invoked as a jar, and by the examples namespace when brought up in a REPL for exploration, and by extensions such as afterglow-max which host Afterglow in Cycling ’74’s Max.
(start-osc-server port)
Start the embedded OSC server on the specified port.
(start-web-server port)
(start-web-server port browser)
Start the embedded web UI server on the specified port. If a truthy value is supplied for browser, opens a web browser window on the newly launched server. If the server was already running, logs a warning. Either way, makes sure the background thread which cleans up expired sessions is running.