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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AlbumArt Represents album artwork associated with tracks loaded into players on a DJ Link network, and provides a convenience method for getting a buffered image for drawing the art.AlbumArtListener The listener interface for receiving updates when the album art available for a track loaded in any player changes.AlbumArtUpdate Provides notification when the album art associated with a player changes.AnalysisTagFinder Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for any desired track analysis sections (identified by the analysis file extension and four-character tag type code) when that happens.AnalysisTagFinder.CacheEntry Wraps values we store in our hot cache, so we can keep track of the player, slot, track, file extension, and type tag the analysis section was associated with.AnalysisTagListener The listener interface for receiving updates when requested analysis information available for a track loaded in any player changes.AnalysisTagUpdate Provides notification when requested track analysis information associated with a player changes.ArtFinder Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for the album art when that happens.Beat A device update that announces the start of a new beat on a DJ Link network.BeatFinder Watches for devices to report new beats by broadcasting beat packets on port 50001, and passes them on to registered listeners.BeatGrid Provides information about each beat in a track: the number of milliseconds after the start of the track that the beat occurs, and where the beat falls within a measure.BeatGridFinder Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for the track beat grid when that happens.BeatGridListener The listener interface for receiving updates when the beat grid available for a track loaded in any player changes.BeatGridUpdate Provides notification when the beat grid associated with a player changes.BeatListener The listener interface for receiving beat announcements.BinaryField A binary field holds an arbitrary sequence of bytes whose length is determined by the 4-byte big-endian integer that follows the type tag.CdjStatus Represents a status update sent by a CDJ (or perhaps other player) on a DJ Link network.CdjStatus.PlayState1 The possible values of the first play state found in the packet, labeled P1 in the Packet Analysis document.CdjStatus.PlayState2 The possible values of the second play state found in the packet, labeled P2 in the Packet Analysis document.CdjStatus.PlayState3 The possible values of the third play state found in the packet, labeled P3 in the Packet Analysis document.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot The possible values describing from where the track was loaded, labeled Sr in the Packet Analysis document.CdjStatus.TrackType The possible values describing the track type, labeled tr in the Packet Analysis document.Client Manages a connection to the dbserver port on a particular player, allowing queries to be sent, and their responses to be interpreted.ColorItem Represents a track color label.ConnectionManager Manges connections to dbserver ports on the players, offering sessions that can be used to perform transactions, and allowing the connections to close when there are no active sessions.ConnectionManager.ClientTask<T> An interface for all the kinds of activities that need a connection to the dbserver, so we can keep track of how many sessions are in effect, clean up after them, and know when the client is idle and can be closed.CrateDigger Uses the Crate Digger library to provide an even more reliable source of track metadata, even when there are four players in use on the network and theVirtualCdj
is forced to use a non-standard player number.CueList Provides information about each memory point, hot cue, and loop stored for a track.CueList.Entry Breaks out information about each entry in the cue list.DatabaseListener The listener interface for receiving updates whenCrateDigger
has obtained the rekordbox database that was just mounted in a player slot, or when that slot has unmounted so the database is no longer relevant.DataReference Uniquely identifies a track, album art, beat grid, or waveform currently available on the network, by the player and media slot in which it is mounted, and its rekordbox ID.DeckReference Uniquely identifies a place where a track can be currently loaded on the network, either the visible deck of one of the players, or one of the hot cues on a player.DeviceAnnouncement Represents a device announcement seen on a DJ Link network.DeviceAnnouncementAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving device announcements.DeviceAnnouncementListener The listener interface for receiving device announcements.DeviceFinder Watches for devices to report their presence by broadcasting announcement packets on port 50000, and keeps a list of the devices that have been seen, and the network address on which they were seen.DeviceReference Uniquely identifies a device on the network.DeviceUpdate Represents a device status update seen on a DJ Link network.DeviceUpdateListener The listener interface for receiving detailed updates from all devices.FaderStartListener The listener interface for receiving fader start commands.Field All dbserver messages are made up of lists of fields, which are type-tagged values.LifecycleListener The listener interface for receiving updates when a Beat Link component is started or stopped.LifecycleParticipant Provides the abstract skeleton for all the classes that can be started and stopped in Beat Link, and for which other classes may have a need to know when they start or stop.MasterAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving updates related to the tempo master.MasterHandoffListener The listener interface for receiving tempo master handoff messages.MasterListener The listener interface for receiving updates about changes to tempo master state.MediaDetails Represents information about the media mounted in a player's slot; returned in response to a media query packet.MediaDetailsListener The listener interface for receiving media detail responses when theVirtualCdj
has been told to ask for information about what is in a player’s media slot.MenuLoader Provides support for navigating the menu hierarchy offered by the dbserver on a player for a particular media slot.Message Encapsulates a full dbserver message, made up of a list ofField
objects, and having a particular structure, as described in the Packet Analysis document.Message.KnownType Defines all the message types we know about, with any information we know about their arguments.Message.MenuIdentifier For many types of query messages, the first argument of the message is a 4-byte integer which we currently refer to as r:m:s:t, because the first byte is the player number of the player making the request, the second byte identifies the menu or destination for which information is being loaded, the third byte identifies the media slot (USB or SD) being asked about (as described inCdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
), and the fourth byte identifies the type of track being worked with (for most requests this is 1, meaning rekordbox).Message.MenuItemType Defines all the known types of entries that can be returned for a menu request.MetadataFinder Watches for new tracks to be loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for the metadata information when that happens.MetadataProvider A class that is able to provide metadata for a loaded track without the need to query the source player can implement this interface and register itself with theMetadataFinder.addMetadataProvider(MetadataProvider)
.MixerStatus Represents a status update sent by a mixer on a DJ Link network.MountListener The listener interface for receiving updates when the set of mounted media slots on the network changes.NumberField A number field represents an integer, and can take up 1, 2, or 4 bytes, depending on the tag which introduces it.OnAirListener The listener interface for receiving on-air status messages.OpusProvider Allows users to attach metadata archives created by the Crate Digger library to provide metadata when the corresponding USB is mounted in an Opus Quad, which is not capable of providing most metadata on its own.OpusProvider.RekordboxUsbArchive Container for the USB slot number, database or JDBC connection, and filesystem of any particular Rekordbox USB archive.OverlayPainter In order to make it easy for applications like Beat Link Trigger to overlay selections or cues on the GUI components offered by Beat Link, they allow an overlay painter to be registered with them, and it will then be invoked after the component has done its own painting.PlaybackState Captures the playback state of a single player that has the track loaded, as an immutable value class.PlayerSettings Encapsulates the “My Settings” configuration parameters that can be applied to a player over the network.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel The options for establishing an automatic cue point when loading a track.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode The options for whether to autoload hot cues when loading a track.PlayerSettings.Illumination The brightness choices for optional illumination (for example of the jog ring or disc slot).PlayerSettings.JogMode The options for how the jog wheel affects playback.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay The options for what to display in the jog wheel display screens.PlayerSettings.Language The options for the player user interface language.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness The brightness options for the player's LCD screen.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness The brightness options for the player's performance pads and buttons.PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType The options for the phase meter type.PlayerSettings.PlayMode The options for whether to keep playing when a track ends.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode The options the quantization size.PlayerSettings.TempoRange The options for tempo range limits.PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode The options for how time is displayed on the player.PlayerSettings.Toggle A standard on/off choice which is used in many settings.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust The options for the vinyl speed adjust mode.PrecisePosition A device update that reports the exact playback position of a CDJ-3000 (or newer?) player, even if it is not currently playing.PrecisePositionListener The listener interface for receiving precise position announcements.RepaintDelegate Supports delegation of Swing repaint calls to a host component.SearchableItem Represents an item with an ID and label that can be used as a way to select tracks in a dynamic playlist request, and on which playlists can be sorted.SignatureFinder Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and when enough elements have been loaded, calculates a signature string that uniquely identifies the track, based on its title, artist, duration, waveform, and beat grid.SignatureListener The listener interface for receiving updates when the signatures available for a track loaded in any player change.SignatureUpdate Provides notification when the track signature associated with a player changes.SlotReference Uniquely identifies a media slot on the network from which tracks can be loaded, by the player and slot type.StringField A string field holds a UTF8-BE encoded string whose length is determined by the 4-byte big-endian integer that follows the type tag.SyncListener The listener interface for receiving sync control messages.TimeFinder Watches the beat packets and transport information contained in player status update to infer the current track playback position based on the most recent information available, the time at which that was received, and the playback pitch and direction that was in effect at that time.TrackMetadata Represents rekordbox metadata (title, artist, etc.) about tracks loaded into players on a DJ Link network.TrackMetadataListener The listener interface for receiving updates when the metadata available about a track loaded in any player changes.TrackMetadataUpdate Provides notification when the track metadata associated with a player changes.TrackPositionBeatListener The listener interface for receiving updates when a new beat has occurred during track playback, when you want to know the actual new beat number (the beat packet itself does not carry this information, but theTimeFinder
integrates it for you).TrackPositionListener The listener interface for receiving updates when there are significant changes to the movement through a track on a player (for example, to send time code that represents the progress of playing the track).TrackPositionUpdate Keeps track of the most recent information we have received from a player from which we have been able to compute a track position.Util Provides utility functions.Util.PacketType The known packet types used in the protocol, along with the byte values which identify them, and the names by which we describe them, and the port on which they are received.VirtualCdj Provides the ability to create a virtual CDJ device that can lurk on a DJ Link network and receive packets sent to players, monitoring the detailed state of the other devices.VirtualRekordbox Provides the ability to emulate the Rekordbox lighting application which causes devices to share their player state and PSSI (track phrase data).WaveformDetail Gives a detail view of the audio content of a track, and offers a Swing component for rendering that view as part of a user interface, along with annotations showing the current playback position, beats, and cue points, if the appropriate metadata is available.WaveformDetailComponent Provides a convenient way to draw waveform detail in a user interface, including annotations like the location at the current time, and cue point markers and loops (if you supplyTrackMetadata
so their location can be determined), and beat markers (if you also supply aBeatGrid
).WaveformDetailUpdate Provides notification when the waveform detail associated with a player changes.WaveformFinder Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for track waveforms when that happens.WaveformListener The listener interface for receiving updates when the waveforms available for a track loaded in any player change.WaveformPreview Gives a birds-eye view of the audio content of a track, and offers a Swing component for rendering that view as part of a user interface, along with annotations showing the current playback position and cue points, if the appropriate metadata is available.WaveformPreviewComponent Provides a convenient way to draw a waveform preview in a user interface, including annotations like the current time and minute markers (if you supplyTrackMetadata
so the total length can be determined), and cue markers (if you also supply aCueList
).WaveformPreviewUpdate Provides notification when the waveform preview associated with a player changes.