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addNotificationListener(CoreMidiNotification) - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Adds a listener to be notified when the MIDI environment changes.


close() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Closes the Core MIDI Device, which also closes all of its receivers
close() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiReceiver
Closes the MIDI Receiver
close() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Closes the Core MIDI Device, which also closes all its transmitters
close() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiTransmitter
Closes this transmitter, causing it to no longer send MIDI events from its source
connectSource(CoreMidiSource) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiInputPort
Connects a source to this input port
CoreMidiClient - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Provides the Java Native Interface bridge to CoreMIDI on macOS.
CoreMidiClient(String) - Constructor for class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiClient
Constructor for class
CoreMidiDestination - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Provides a working Java MIDI interface to a CoreMIDI device to which we can send messages.
CoreMidiDeviceInfo - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Provides information about a MIDI device which is implemented by CoreMidi4J.
CoreMidiDeviceInfo(String, String, String, String, String, int, int, String, int, int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Constructs a CoreMidiDeviceInfo object from the parameters
CoreMidiDeviceProvider - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
The OS X CoreMIDI Device Provider: this is the primary class with which Java itself and user code will interact.
CoreMidiDeviceProvider() - Constructor for class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Class constructor
CoreMidiException - Exception in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Used to report errors and problems which occur both in the Java Native Interface bridge to Core MIDI, and in the library itself.
CoreMidiException(String) - Constructor for exception uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiException
Default constructor
CoreMidiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiException
Constructor with an underlying cause
CoreMidiInputPort - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Wraps a native macOS Core MIDI input port.
CoreMidiInputPort(int, String) - Constructor for class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiInputPort
CoreMidiNotification - Interface in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Listener interface which is used to register for notifications when CoreMIDI4J detects changes in the MIDI environment.
CoreMidiOutputPort - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Wraps a native macOS Core MIDI output port.
CoreMidiOutputPort(int, String) - Constructor for class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiOutputPort
CoreMidiReceiver - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Used to receive data from the application and send it to the connected device.
CoreMidiSource - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Provides a working Java MIDI interface to a CoreMIDI device to which we can send messages.
CoreMidiTransmitter - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Used to receive data from the connected device and send it to the application.


disconnectSource(CoreMidiSource) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiInputPort
Disconnects a source from input port


getDevice(MidiDevice.Info) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Gets the MidiDevice specified by the supplied MidiDevice.Info structure
getDeviceInfo() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Gets the MIDI Info object
getDeviceInfo() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Gets information on the installed Core MIDI Devices
getDeviceInfo() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Gets the MIDI Info object
getDeviceName() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the device name
getDeviceReference() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the deviceReference value
getdeviceUniqueID() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the OS X unique identifier for the device
getEndPointName() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the endPoint name
getEndPointReference() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the endPointReference value
getEndPointUniqueID() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the OS X unique identifier for the end point
getEntityName() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the entity name
getEntityReference() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the entityReference value
getEntityUniqueID() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets the OS X unique identifier for the entity
getInformationString() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceInfo
Gets a string describing the device
getLibraryVersion() - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Determine the version of the library which is being used.
getMaxReceivers() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Gets the maximum number of receivers that can be attached to this device.
getMaxReceivers() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Gets the maximum number of receivers that can be attached to this device.
getMaxTransmitters() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Gets the maximum number of transmitters that can be attached to this device.
getMaxTransmitters() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Gets the maximum number of transmitters that can be attached to this device.
getMicrosecondPosition() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Obtains the time in microseconds that has elapsed since this MIDI Device was opened.
getMicrosecondPosition() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Obtains the time in microseconds that has elapsed since this MIDI Device was opened.
getMidiDevice() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiReceiver
Gets the MIDI Device that this receiver is attached to
getMidiDevice() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiTransmitter
Gets the MIDI Device that this receiver is attached to
getMidiDeviceInfo() - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Obtains an array of information objects representing the set of all working MIDI devices available on the system.
getReceiver() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Creates and returns a MIDI Receiver for use with this Device
getReceiver() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Creates and returns a MIDI Receiver for use with this Device
getReceiver() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiTransmitter
Gets the receiver set on this transmitter
getReceivers() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Gets a list of receivers connected to the device
getReceivers() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Gets a list of receivers connected to the device
getScanInterval() - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Check how often, in milliseconds, the MIDI environment should be examined for changes to report.
getStartTime() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Obtains the time in microseconds at which this MIDI Device was opened.
getTransmitter() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Gets a transmitter for this device (which is also added to the internal list
getTransmitter() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Gets a transmitter for this device (which is also added to the internal list)
getTransmitters() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Gets the list of transmitters registered with this MIDI device
getTransmitters() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Gets the list of transmitters registered with this MIDI device


inputPortCreate(String) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiClient
Creates a new CoreMidiInputPort
isAvailable() - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.Loader
Checks whether CoreMidi4J is available on the current system, in other words whether it is a Mac OS X system and the native library was loaded successfully.
isDeviceSupported(MidiDevice.Info) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Checks to see if the required device is supported by this MidiDeviceProvider
isLibraryLoaded() - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Check whether we have been able to load the native library.
isOpen() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Checks to see if the MIDI Device is open
isOpen() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Checks to see if the MIDI Device is open


load() - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.Loader
Tries to load our native library.
Loader - Class in uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Loads the native library when we are running on a Mac.


messageCallback(long, int, byte[]) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
The message callback for receiving midi data from the JNI code
midiSystemUpdated() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Called when a change in the MIDI environment occurs
midiSystemUpdated() - Method in interface uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiNotification
Called when the MIDI environment has changed.


NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME - Static variable in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.Loader
The file name of our native library.
notifyCallback() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiClient
The message callback for receiving notifications about changes in the MIDI environment from the JNI code


open() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDestination
Opens the Core MIDI Device
open() - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiSource
Opens the Core MIDI Device
outputPortCreate(String) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiClient
Creates a new CoreMidiOutputPort


removeNotificationListener(CoreMidiNotification) - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Removes a listener that had been receiving notifications of MIDI environment changes.


send(int, MidiMessage, long) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiOutputPort
Sends a MIDI message on this output port to the specified destination end point
send(MidiMessage, long) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiReceiver
Sends a MIDI message
setReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiTransmitter
Sets a receiver on this transmitter
setScanInterval(int) - Static method in class uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j.CoreMidiDeviceProvider
Controls how often, in milliseconds, the MIDI environment should be examined for changes to report.


uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j - package uk.co.xfactorylibrarians.coremidi4j
Core MIDI Service Provider Interface (SPI) for Java 1.7 and above on macOS, safe to load and interact with on any platform.
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