Class CoreMidiOutputPort

  • public class CoreMidiOutputPort
    extends Object
    Wraps a native macOS Core MIDI output port.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoreMidiOutputPort

        public CoreMidiOutputPort​(int clientReference,
                                  String portName)
                           throws CoreMidiException
        clientReference - The client reference
        portName - The name of the port
        CoreMidiException - if there is a problem creating the port
    • Method Detail

      • send

        public void send​(int destinationEndPointReference,
                         MidiMessage message,
                         long timestamp)
                  throws CoreMidiException
        Sends a MIDI message on this output port to the specified destination end point
        destinationEndPointReference - The destination end point to send the message to
        message - The message to send
        timestamp - The time at which the message should take effect, in microseconds since the system booted, with 0 meaning "immediately".
        CoreMidiException - if there is a problem sending the message