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addAlbumArtListener(AlbumArtListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Adds the specified album art listener to receive updates when the album art for a player changes.
addAnalysisTagListener(AnalysisTagListener, String, String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Adds the specified listener to receive updates when track analysis information of a specific type for a player changes.
addBeatGridListener(BeatGridListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Adds the specified beat grid listener to receive updates when the beat grid information for a player changes.
addBeatListener(BeatListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Adds the specified beat listener to receive beat announcements when DJ Link devices broadcast them on the network.
addDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Adds the specified database listener to receive updates when a rekordbox database has been obtained for a media slot, or when the underlying media for a database has been unmounted so it is no longer relevant.
addDeviceAnnouncementListener(DeviceAnnouncementListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Adds the specified device announcement listener to receive device announcements when DJ Link devices are found on or leave the network.
addFaderStartListener(FaderStartListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Adds the specified fader start listener to receive fader start commands when the mixer broadcasts them on the network.
addIgnoredAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Start ignoring any device updates which are received from the specified address.
addLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleParticipant
Adds the specified life cycle listener to receive announcements when the component starts and stops.
addMasterHandoffListener(MasterHandoffListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Adds the specified master handoff listener to receive tempo master handoff commands when DJ Link devices send them to Beat Link.
addMasterListener(MasterListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Adds the specified master listener to receive device updates when there are changes related to the tempo master.
addMediaDetailsListener(MediaDetailsListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Adds the specified media details listener to receive detail responses whenever they come in.
addMetadataProvider(MetadataProvider) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Adds a metadata provider that will be consulted to see if it can provide metadata for newly-loaded tracks before we try to retrieve it from the players.
addMountListener(MountListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Adds the specified mount update listener to receive updates when media is mounted or unmounted by any player.
addOnAirListener(OnAirListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Adds the specified on-air listener to receive channel on-air updates when the mixer broadcasts them on the network.
addPrecisePositionListener(PrecisePositionListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Adds the specified precise position listener to receive precise position updates when DJ Link devices send them to Beat Link.
address - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceReference
The IP address at which the device can be found.
addressToLong(InetAddress) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Converts the bytes that make up an internet address into the corresponding integer value to make it easier to perform bit-masking operations on them.
addSignatureListener(SignatureListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Adds the specified signature listener to receive updates when the track signature for a player changes.
addSyncListener(SyncListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Adds the specified sync command listener to receive sync commands when DJ Link devices send them to Beat Link.
addTrackMetadataListener(TrackMetadataListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Adds the specified track metadata listener to receive updates when the track metadata for a player changes.
addTrackPositionListener(int, TrackPositionListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Add a listener that wants to closely follow track playback for a particular player.
addUpdateListener(DeviceUpdateListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Adds the specified device update listener to receive device updates whenever they come in.
addWaveformListener(WaveformListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Adds the specified waveform listener to receive updates when the waveform information for a player changes.
adjustPlaybackPosition(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Nudge the playback position by the specified number of milliseconds, to support synchronization with an external clock.
ALBUM_ART - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
This response contains the binary image data of requested album art.
ALBUM_ART_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an album artwork image, by artwork ID.
ALBUM_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the artist list.
ALBUM_MENU_FOR_ARTIST_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an album menu for a particular artist in the specified media slot.
ALBUM_MENU_FOR_GENRE_AND_ARTIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an album menu by genre and artist, can specify all artists by passing -1 for artist ID.
ALBUM_MENU_FOR_LABEL_AND_ARTIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an album menu by label and artist, can specify all artists by passing -1 for artist ID.
ALBUM_MENU_FOR_ORIGINAL_ARTIST_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an album menu for a particular original artist in the specified media slot.
ALBUM_MENU_FOR_REMIXER_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an album menu for a particular original artist in the specified media slot.
ALBUM_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of albums in the specified media slot.
ALBUM_TITLE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The string identifying the name of an album, part of the track metadata response.
AlbumArt - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Represents album artwork associated with tracks loaded into players on a DJ Link network, and provides a convenience method for getting a buffered image for drawing the art.
AlbumArt(DataReference, File) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArt
Constructor used with a file downloaded via NFS by Crate Digger.
AlbumArt(DataReference, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArt
Constructor usable by caching mechanism simply sets the immutable value fields.
albumArtChanged(AlbumArtUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArtListener
Called when the album art available for a player has changed.
AlbumArtListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when the album art available for a track loaded in any player changes.
AlbumArtUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides notification when the album art associated with a player changes.
ALL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The menu item that lets you choose all values in a subcategory.
allocateNamedLock(String) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Obtain an object that can be synchronized against to provide exclusive access to a named resource, given its unique name.
ALNZ_FILE_TYPE_DAT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The value to pass for the file type argument of a Message.KnownType.ANLZ_TAG_REQ request in order to obtain an element of an ANLZnnnn.DAT file.
ALNZ_FILE_TYPE_EXT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The value to pass for the file type argument of a Message.KnownType.ANLZ_TAG_REQ request in order to obtain an element of an ANLZnnnn.EXT file.
analysisChanged(AnalysisTagUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagListener
Called when requested track analysis information available for a player has changed.
AnalysisTagFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for any desired track analysis sections (identified by the analysis file extension and four-character tag type code) when that happens.
AnalysisTagFinder.CacheEntry - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Wraps values we store in our hot cache, so we can keep track of the player, slot, track, file extension, and type tag the analysis section was associated with.
AnalysisTagListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when requested analysis information available for a track loaded in any player changes.
AnalysisTagUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides notification when requested track analysis information associated with a player changes.
ANLZ_FILE_TAG_COLOR_WAVEFORM_DETAIL - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The value to pass for the tag type argument of a Message.KnownType.ANLZ_TAG_REQ request in order to obtain the scrollable color waveform data.
ANLZ_FILE_TAG_COLOR_WAVEFORM_PREVIEW - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The value to pass for the tag type argument of a Message.KnownType.ANLZ_TAG_REQ request in order to obtain the color waveform preview data.
ANLZ_FILE_TAG_CUE_COMMENT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The value to pass for the tag type argument of a Message.KnownType.ANLZ_TAG_REQ request in order to obtain the enhanced cue and loop data, but does not seem to work.
ANLZ_FILE_TAG_SONG_STRUCTURE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The value to pass for the tag type argument of a Message.KnownType.ANLZ_TAG_REQ request in order to obtain the song structure information data.
ANLZ_TAG - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns the bytes of the requested tag from an ANLZnnnn.DAT or ANLZnnnn.EXT file.
ANLZ_TAG_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
This is a multipurpose request added for the nxs2 players which allows a specific tagged element of an ANLZnnnn.DAT or ANLZnnnn.EXT file to be retrieved.
ANNOUNCEMENT_PORT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
The port to which devices broadcast announcement messages to report their presence on the network.
appointTempoMaster(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Tell a device to become tempo master.
appointTempoMaster(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Tell a device to become tempo master.
argumentCount - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The 1-byte number field that specifies how many arguments the message has.
arguments - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The arguments being sent as part of this message.
arguments() - Method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns the descriptions of all known arguments, in order.
art - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArtUpdate
The album art which is now associated with the track loaded in the player's main deck.
ArtFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for the album art when that happens.
ARTIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The string identifying the name of the artist for a track, part of the track metadata response, as well as track lists and play lists.
ARTIST_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the artist list.
ARTIST_MENU_FOR_GENRE_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an artist menu for a particular genre in the specified media slot.
ARTIST_MENU_FOR_LABEL_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for an artist menu for a particular label in the specified media slot.
ARTIST_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of artists in the specified media slot.
artReference - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArt
The unique artwork identifier that was used to request this album art.
ARTWORK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
AUTO - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
autoCue - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the Auto Cue feature.
autoCueLevel - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls where the initial cue point is established when loading a track.
autoLoadMode - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls whether hot cues are auto-loaded when loading tracks.
autoPlayMode - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls what to do when a track ends.


Beat - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
A device update that announces the start of a new beat on a DJ Link network.
Beat(DatagramPacket) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Constructor sets all the immutable interpreted fields based on the packet content.
BEAT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode
BEAT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Announces a beat has been played in a rekordbox-analyzed track, with lots of useful synchronization information.
BEAT_GRID - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns information about the beat number (within a bar) and millisecond position within the track of each beat in a track.
BEAT_GRID_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the beat grid of a track, by rekordbox id.
BEAT_PORT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
The port to which devices broadcast beat messages.
beatCount - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
The number of beats in the track.
BeatFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Watches for devices to report new beats by broadcasting beat packets on port 50001, and passes them on to registered listeners.
beatGrid - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridUpdate
The beat grid which is now associated with the track loaded in the player's main deck.
beatGrid - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
The track metadata against which this update was calculated, so that if it has changed, we know to discard the update.
BeatGrid - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides information about each beat in a track: the number of milliseconds after the start of the track that the beat occurs, and where the beat falls within a measure.
BeatGrid(DataReference, int[], int[], long[]) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Constructor for use by an external storage system.
BeatGrid(DataReference, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Constructor for reading from a file.
BeatGrid(DataReference, Message) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Constructor for when reading from the network.
BeatGrid(DataReference, RekordboxAnlz) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Constructor for when fetched from Crate Digger.
beatGridChanged(BeatGridUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridListener
Called when the beat grid available for a player has changed.
BeatGridFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for the track beat grid when that happens.
BeatGridListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when the beat grid available for a track loaded in any player changes.
BeatGridUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides notification when the beat grid associated with a player changes.
BeatListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving beat announcements.
beatNumber - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
The beat number that was reported (or incremented) by this update.
becomeMaster() - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.SyncListener
Invoked when we have received a message telling us to take over the role of tempo master.
becomeTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Arrange to become the tempo master.
BinaryField - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
A binary field holds an arbitrary sequence of bytes whose length is determined by the 4-byte big-endian integer that follows the type tag.
BinaryField(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
Constructor for code.
BinaryField(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
Constructor for reading from the network.
BIT_RATE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Track bit rate in Kbps; also appears in non-rekordbox metadata.
BIT_RATE_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the track bit rate (Kbps) list.
BIT_RATE_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of track bit rates (in kilobits per second) in the specified media slot.
BPM_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the tempo list.
BPM_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of track tempos found in the specified media slot.
BPM_RANGE_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of tempo ranges around a given tempo.
BPM_SYNC_FLAG - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The bit within the status flag that indicates the player has degraded to BPM Sync mode, as described in the Packet Analysis document.
BRIGHT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Illumination
BRIGHT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
BRIGHT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
BRIGHT_PLAYED - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
The color for brighter sections of the already-played section of the playback progress bar.
BRIGHTEST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
BRIGHTEST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
buildColor(Color, Color) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Helper method that combines the hue value of one color with the transparency of another.
buildPacket(Util.PacketType, ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Build a standard-format UDP packet for sending to port 50001 or 50002 in the protocol.
buildRMST(int, Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Build the R:M:S:T parameter that begins many queries, when T=1.
buildRMST(int, Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, CdjStatus.TrackType) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Build the R:M:S:T parameter that begins many queries.
buildRMST(Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Build the R:M:S:T parameter that begins many queries.
buildRMST(Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, CdjStatus.TrackType) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Build the R:M:S:T parameter that begins many queries.
bytesToNumber(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Reconstructs a number that is represented by more than one byte in a network packet in big-endian order.
bytesToNumberLittleEndian(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Reconstructs a number that is represented by more than one byte in a network packet in little-endian order, for the very few protocol values that are sent in this quirky way.


canReportLooping() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Checks whether the packet is large enough (from a new enough player, such as the CDJ-3000) that it can report the player's currently active loop boundaries.
CD_DIGITAL_AUDIO - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
The track was loaded from an audio CD, and so has not been analyzed for beat grid and waveforms.
CD_SLOT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
The track was loaded from a CD.
CDJ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogMode
CDJ_STATUS - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
A status update from a player, with a great many status flags, pitch, tempo, and beat-within-bar details.
CdjStatus - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Represents a status update sent by a CDJ (or perhaps other player) on a DJ Link network.
CdjStatus(DatagramPacket) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Constructor sets all the immutable interpreted fields based on the packet content.
CdjStatus.PlayState1 - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The possible values of the first play state found in the packet, labeled P1 in the Packet Analysis document.
CdjStatus.PlayState2 - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The possible values of the second play state found in the packet, labeled P2 in the Packet Analysis document.
CdjStatus.PlayState3 - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The possible values of the third play state found in the packet, labeled P3 in the Packet Analysis document.
CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The possible values describing from where the track was loaded, labeled Sr in the Packet Analysis document.
CdjStatus.TrackType - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The possible values describing the track type, labeled tr in the Packet Analysis document.
CHANNELS_ON_AIR - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used by the mixer to tell the players which channels are on and off the air.
channelsOnAir(Set<Integer>) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.OnAirListener
Invoked when we have received a message telling us which channels are currently on the air.
CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
CHINESE_TRADITIONAL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
clearPlaybackState() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Removes all stored playback state.
clearPlaybackState() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Removes all stored playback state.
clearPlaybackState(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Clear the playback state stored for a player, such as when it has unloaded the track.
clearPlaybackState(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Clear the playback state stored for a player, such as when it has unloaded the track.
Client - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
Manages a connection to the dbserver port on a particular player, allowing queries to be sent, and their responses to be interpreted.
COLLECTION - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
The track was loaded from a computer’s rekordbox collection over the network.
color - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
The color that is represented by this item.
color - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The color tint that should be applied to the user interface when a player mounts this media.
COLOR_AQUA - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with an aqua dot, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_BLUE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with a blue dot, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_GREEN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with a green dot, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
The different colors the monochrome (blue) waveform can be based on its intensity.
COLOR_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the color list.
COLOR_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of colors in the specified media slot.
COLOR_NONE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Indicates the DJ has not assigned a color label to a track, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_ORANGE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with an orange dot, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_PINK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with a pink dot, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_PURPLE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with a purple dot, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_RED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with a red dot, part of the track metadata response.
COLOR_YELLOW - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A label assigned a track by the DJ, marked with a yellow dot, part of the track metadata response.
colorForId(int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
Returns the color represented by a color label assigned to a track in rekordbox.
colorId - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
The color table ID identifying the color assigned to a memory point or loop.
ColorItem - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Represents a track color label.
ColorItem(int, String) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
Constructor simply sets the immutable value fields, looking up the color and name associated with the id.
colorName - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
The name of the color represented by this item, for textual display.
colorNameForId(int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
Returns the name of the color represented by a color label assigned to a track in rekordbox.
comment - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
If the entry was constructed from an extended nxs2-style commented cue tag, and the DJ assigned a comment to the cue, this will contain the comment text.
COMMENT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
An arbitrary text string assigned to a track by the DJ.
computeTrackSignature(String, SearchableItem, int, WaveformDetail, BeatGrid) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Calculate the signature by which we can reliably recognize a loaded track.
ConnectionManager - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
Manges connections to dbserver ports on the players, offering sessions that can be used to perform transactions, and allowing the connections to close when there are no active sessions.
ConnectionManager.ClientTask<T> - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
An interface for all the kinds of activities that need a connection to the dbserver, so we can keep track of how many sessions are in effect, clean up after them, and know when the client is idle and can be closed.
CONTINUE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PlayMode
CrateDigger - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Uses the Crate Digger library to provide an even more reliable source of track metadata, even when there are four players in use on the network and the VirtualCdj is forced to use a non-standard player number.
createViewComponent(TrackMetadata) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Create a standard Swing component which can be added to a user interface that will draw this waveform preview, optionally including annotations like the current playback position and minute markers (if you supply TrackMetadata so the total length can be determined), and cue markers (if you also supply a CueList).
createViewComponent(TrackMetadata, BeatGrid) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Create a standard Swing component which can be added to a user interface that will draw this waveform detail, optionally including annotations like the current playback position and minute markers (if you supply TrackMetadata so the total length can be determined), and cue markers (if you also supply a CueList).
creationDate - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The creation date of the media.
CUE_LIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns information about any memory points, loops, and hot cues set in the track.
CUE_LIST_EXT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns extended information about any memory points, loops, and hot cues set in the track, including DJ comments, colors, and hot cues beyond C.
CUE_LIST_EXT_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the memory points, loops, and hot cues of a track, including comments and colors, by rekordbox ID.
CUE_LIST_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the memory points, loops, and hot cues of a track, by rekordbox ID.
CUE_PLAYING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
Cue play is in progress (playback while the cue button is held down).
CUE_SCRATCHING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
Cue scratch is in progress; the player will return to the cue point when the jog wheel is released.
cueColor(CueList.Entry) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
CUED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
The player is paused at the cue point.
CueList - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides information about each memory point, hot cue, and loop stored for a track.
CueList(List<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Constructor for when recreating from files containing the raw tag bytes if there were no nxs2-style extended cue tags.
CueList(List<ByteBuffer>, List<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Constructor for when recreating from files containing the raw tag bytes and raw nxs2-style cue comment tag bytes.
CueList(Message) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Constructor when reading from the network or a file.
CueList(RekordboxAnlz) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Constructor for when reading from a rekordbox track analysis file.
CueList.Entry - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Breaks out information about each entry in the cue list.
cuePosition - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Indicates the location of the cue in half-frame units, which are 1/150 of a second.
cueTime - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Indicates the location of the cue in milliseconds.
CZECH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language


DANISH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
DARK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Illumination
DATA - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
Values which do not display in a menu, such as track waveforms, beat grids, album art, etc.
DatabaseListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when CrateDigger has obtained the rekordbox database that was just mounted in a player slot, or when that slot has unmounted so the database is no longer relevant.
databaseMounted(SlotReference, Database) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DatabaseListener
Invoked whenever a rekordbox database has been successfully retrieved and parsed from a slot, so it can be used locally to obtain metadata about the tracks in that slot.
databaseUnmounted(SlotReference, Database) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DatabaseListener
Invoked whenever the media in for which a database had been obtained is unmounted, to report that the database is no longer relevant for that slot.
dataReference - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder.CacheEntry
Identifies the track to which the analysis section belongs.
dataReference - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
The unique identifier that was used to request this beat grid.
dataReference - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
The unique identifier that was used to request this waveform detail.
dataReference - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
The unique identifier that was used to request this waveform preview.
DataReference - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Uniquely identifies a track, album art, beat grid, or waveform currently available on the network, by the player and media slot in which it is mounted, and its rekordbox ID.
DataReference(int, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
Create a unique reference to a track, album art, beat grid, or waveform that is currently available on the network.
DataReference(SlotReference, int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
Create a unique reference to a track, album art, beat grid, or waveform that is currently available on the network.
DATE_ADDED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A string reporting when the track was added to the collection, in the form "YYYY-MM-DD", part of the track metadata response.
DeckReference - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Uniquely identifies a place where a track can be currently loaded on the network, either the visible deck of one of the players, or one of the hot cues on a player.
DEFAULT_ART_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
The maximum number of artwork images we will retain in our cache.
DEFAULT_MENU_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
The default maximum number of menu items we will request at a single time.
DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
The default value we will use for timeouts on opening and reading from sockets.
definitive - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
If true, this was created in response to a beat packet or precise position packet, so we know exactly where the player was at that point.
deliverLifecycleAnnouncement(Logger, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleParticipant
Send a lifecycle announcement to all registered listeners.
describeArgument(int) - Method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Get the descriptive name of the specified message argument, if one is known.
description - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
The descriptive name of the message type.
detail - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailUpdate
The waveform detail which is now associated with the track loaded in the player's main deck.
detailChanged(WaveformDetailUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformListener
Called when the waveform detail available for a player has changed.
detailsAvailable(MediaDetails) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetailsListener
Invoked when a media details response message is received by the VirtualCdj from a player.
DEVICE_HELLO - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
An initial series of three of these packets is sent when a device first joins the network, at 300ms intervals.
DEVICE_KEEP_ALIVE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used to report that a device is still present on the DJ Link network.
DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
The length of the device name in the announcement packet.
DEVICE_NAME_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
The location of the device name in the announcement packet.
DEVICE_NUMBER_ASSIGN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
This packet is sent by a mixer (or XDJ-XZ) when a player has acknowledged that it is ready to be assigned the device number that belongs to the jack to which it is connected.
DEVICE_NUMBER_ASSIGNMENT_FINISHED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
This packet is sent by a mixer (or XDJ-XZ) once it sees that device number assignment has concluded successfully, to the player plugged into a channel-specific jack.
DEVICE_NUMBER_IN_USE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used to defend a device number that is already in use.
DEVICE_NUMBER_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
The location of the device number in the announcement packet.
DEVICE_NUMBER_STAGE_1 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
A series of three of these is sent at 300ms intervals when a device is starting to establish its device number.
DEVICE_NUMBER_STAGE_2 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
A second series of three packets sent at 300ms intervals when the device is claiming its device number.
DEVICE_NUMBER_STAGE_3 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Third and final series of three packets sent at 300ms intervals when a device is claiming its device number.
DEVICE_NUMBER_WILL_ASSIGN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
This packet is sent by a mixer directly to a device which has just sent a device number self-assignment packet when that device is plugged into a channel-specific Ethernet jack on the mixer (or XDJ-XZ) to let the device know the sender of this packet is responsible for assigning its number.
DeviceAnnouncement - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Represents a device announcement seen on a DJ Link network.
DeviceAnnouncement(DatagramPacket) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
Constructor sets all the immutable interpreted fields based on the packet content.
DeviceAnnouncementAdapter - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
An abstract adapter class for receiving device announcements.
DeviceAnnouncementAdapter() - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncementAdapter
DeviceAnnouncementListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving device announcements.
DeviceFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Watches for devices to report their presence by broadcasting announcement packets on port 50000, and keeps a list of the devices that have been seen, and the network address on which they were seen.
deviceFound(DeviceAnnouncement) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncementAdapter
deviceFound(DeviceAnnouncement) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncementListener
Invoked when a new DJ Link device is heard from on the network.
deviceLost(DeviceAnnouncement) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncementAdapter
deviceLost(DeviceAnnouncement) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncementListener
Invoked when a DJ Link device is no longer seen on the network.
deviceNumber - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceReference
The device number reported by the device.
DeviceReference - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Uniquely identifies a device on the network.
DeviceUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Represents a device status update seen on a DJ Link network.
DeviceUpdate(DatagramPacket, String, int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Constructor sets all the immutable interpreted fields based on the packet content.
DeviceUpdateListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving detailed updates from all devices.
DIM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
DIM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
DIM_PLAYED - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
The color for darker sections of the already-played section of the playback progress bar.
DIM_UNPLAYED - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
The color for the darker sections of the not-yet-played sections of the playback progress bar.
DIMMEST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
DIMMEST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
DISC - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
I don’t yet know where this appears or what it means.
discSlotIllumination - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the illumination of the player's jog ring.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each auto cue level setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each auto load setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Illumination
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each illumination setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogMode
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each jog mode setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each jog wheel display setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each language setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each brightness setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each brightness setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each phase meter setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PlayMode
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each play mode setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each quantize mode setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each tempo range setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each time display setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Toggle
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each brightness setting.
displayValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust
The value displayed in the rekordbox interface for each vinyl speed adjust setting.
downloadDirectory - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
The folder into which database exports and track analysis files will be downloaded.
DURATION - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The duration, in seconds, of a track, part of the track metadata response.
DUTCH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language


EIGHTH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode
ejectLoadLock - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the eject/load lock feature.
ELAPSED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode
embeddedColor - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
The explicit color embedded into the hot cue, or null if there was none.
ENDED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
The player reached the end of the track and stopped.
ENGLISH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
ensureRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleParticipant
Helper method to throw an IllegalStateException if we are not currently running.
entries - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
The entries present in the cue list, sorted into order by increasing position, with hot cues coming after ordinary memory points if both are at the same position (as often seems to happen).
Entry(int, long, long, String, Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Constructor for loop hot cue entries.
Entry(int, long, String, Color, Color) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Constructor for non-loop hot cue entries.
Entry(long, long, String, int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Constructor for loop hot cue entries.
Entry(long, String, int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Constructor for non-loop memory point entries.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
equals(Object) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
equals(Object) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
equals(Object) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
equals(Object) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SearchableItem
equals(Object) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata


FADER_START_COMMAND - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used by the mixer to tell a set of players to start and/or stop playing.
fadersChanged(Set<Integer>, Set<Integer>) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.FaderStartListener
Invoked when we have received a message telling us which players should start and stop playing.
FaderStartListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving fader start commands.
Field - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
All dbserver messages are made up of lists of fields, which are type-tagged values.
Field() - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Field
fields - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The entire list of fields that make up the message.
fileExtension - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder.CacheEntry
Identifies the specific analysis file from which the cached section was loaded.
fileExtension - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagUpdate
The file extension identifying which specific track analysis file this section came from.
FILENAME_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the file name list.
FILENAME_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of track file names found in the specified media slot.
findBeatAtTime(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Finds the beat in which the specified track position falls.
findDatabase(DataReference) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Find the database we have downloaded and parsed that can provide information about the supplied data reference, if any.
findDatabase(SlotReference) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Find the database we have downloaded and parsed that can provide information about the supplied slot reference, if any.
findEntryAfter(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Returns the entry whose track position comes most closely after the specified number of milliseconds, if any.
findEntryBefore(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Returns the entry whose track position comes most closely before the specified number of milliseconds, if any.
findRekordboxColor(int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Look up the color that rekordbox would use to display a cue.
findUnreachablePlayers() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Checks if we can see any players that are on a different network than the one we chose for the Virtual CDJ.
FOLDER - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A potentially-nested grouping of other objects, such as a group of playlists in the playlists menu.
FOLDER_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the folder list.
FOLDER_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a folder menu, of the raw media filesystem in the specified slot.
formatCueCountdown() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Format a cue countdown indicator in the same way as the CDJ would at this point in the track.
FORWARD_CDJ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
The player is playing in Forward mode with jog mode set to CDJ.
FORWARD_VINYL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
The player is playing in Forward mode with jog mode set to Vinyl.
freeNamedLock(String) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Indicate that an object obtained from Util.allocateNamedLock(String) is no longer needed by the caller, so it is eligible for garbage collection if no other threads have it allocated.
freeSpace - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The amount of storage remaining, in bytes.
FRENCH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
fromBeat - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
If true, this position update resulted from the receipt of a beat packet.


GENRE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The string identifying the musical genre of a track, part of the track metadata response.
GENRE_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the genre list.
GENRE_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of genres in the specified media slot.
GERMAN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
getActiveLoopBeats() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
If there is an active loop (and CdjStatus.canReportLooping() is true), returns the number of beats in the loop.
getAddress() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
Get the address on which this device was seen.
getAddress() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the address of the device from which this update was seen.
getAlbum() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the album of the track.
getAlbumArt(MediaDetails, DataReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get a particular album art image, if it is available.
getAlbumArtListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Get the set of currently-registered album art listeners.
getAnalysisSection(MediaDetails, DataReference, String, String) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get an arbitrary analysis file element, given its file extension and type tag.
getAnnounceInterval() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the interval, in milliseconds, at which we broadcast presence announcements on the network to pose as a virtual CDJ.
getArgumentTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
getArgumentTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Field
Get the value which identifies this type of field in a message argument list.
getArgumentTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
getArgumentTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
getArtCacheSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Check how many album art images can be kept in the in-memory second-level cache.
getArtist() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the artist of the track.
getArtworkId() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the artwork ID for the track.
getAutoScroll() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Check whether the component should automatically center itself on the playback position of the player that is furthest into the track.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Examine the color to which the background is cleared before drawing the waveform.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Examine the color to which the background is cleared before drawing the waveform.
getBarNumber(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Return the bar number within which the specified beat falls.
getBeatForX(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Determine the beat that corresponds to a particular X coordinate in the component, given the current scale.
getBeatGrid(MediaDetails, DataReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get the beat grid for a particular track, if it is available.
getBeatGridListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Get the set of currently-registered beat grid listeners.
getBeatListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Get the set of beat listeners that are currently registered.
getBeatNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Identify the beat of the track that is being played.
getBeatWithinBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the position within a measure of music at which this beat falls (a value from 1 to 4, where 1 represents the downbeat).
getBeatWithinBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the position within a measure of music at which the most recent beat occurred (a value from 1 to 4, where 1 represents the down beat).
getBeatWithinBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
Returns the beat phase (where within a measure the current beat falls), a number from 1 to 4, corresponding to the beat being played at this playback position.
getBeatWithinBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the position within a measure of music at which the most recent beat fell (a value from 1 to 4, where 1 represents the down beat).
getBeatWithinBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
Get the position within a measure of music at which the most recent beat occurred (a value from 1 to 4, where 1 represents the down beat).
getBeatWithinBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Get the position within a measure of music at which the most recent beat fell (a value from 1 to 4, where 1 represents the downbeat).
getBeatWithinBar(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Returns the musical count of the specified beat, represented by Bb in the Packet Analysis document.
getBitRate() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the bit rate of the track, if known.
getBpm() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the track BPM at the time of the beat.
getBpm() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the track BPM at the time of the update.
getBpm() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the playback BPM at the time of the update.
getBpm() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
Get the BPM at the time of the update.
getBpm() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
getBpm(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Get the track BPM at the time of a beat.
getBroadcastAddress() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Return the broadcast address used to reach the DJ Link network.
getBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
getBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Field
Get the bytes which represent this field when sent over the network, including the leading type tag.
getBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
getBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
getColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Determine the best color to be used to display this cue.
getColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the color assigned to the track.
getComment() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the comment assigned to the track.
getCueCountdown() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
How many beats away is the next cue point in the track? If there is no saved cue point after the current play location, or if it is further than 64 bars ahead, the value 511 is returned (and the CDJ will display "--.- bars").
getCueList() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the cue list associated with the track.
getCueList() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Get the cue list associated with this track.
getCueList(MediaDetails, DataReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get the cue list for a particular track, if it is available.
getCurrentDevices() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Get the set of DJ Link devices which currently can be seen on the network.
getData() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Get the raw bytes of the waveform detail data
getData() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Get the raw bytes of the waveform preview data
getDatabaseListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
getDateAdded() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the date the track was added to the collection.
getDeckReference(int, int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DeckReference
Get a unique reference to a place where a track is currently loaded in a player.
getDescription() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Provides a brief description of the cue, suitable for a tool tip explaining its marker on a waveform preview.
getDeviceAnnouncementListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Get the set of device announcement listeners that are currently registered.
getDeviceMasterIsBeingYieldedTo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
getDeviceMasterIsBeingYieldedTo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
getDeviceMasterIsBeingYieldedTo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
If this packet indicates the device in the process of yielding the tempo master role to another player, this will hold the device number of that player, otherwise it will be null.
getDeviceMasterIsBeingYieldedTo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
getDeviceMasterIsBeingYieldedTo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
getDeviceName() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
Get the name reported by the device.
getDeviceName() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the name reported by the device sending the update.
getDeviceName() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the name to be used in announcing our presence on the network.
getDeviceNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
Get the player/device number reported by the device.
getDeviceNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the player/device number reporting the update.
getDeviceNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the device number that is used when sending presence announcements on the network to pose as a virtual CDJ.
getDeviceReference(int, InetAddress) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceReference
Get a unique device identifier by device number and address.
getDeviceReference(DeviceAnnouncement) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceReference
Get a unique device identifier corresponding to a device we have received an announcement packet from.
getDeviceReference(DeviceUpdate) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceReference
Get a unique device identifier corresponding to a device we have received an update packet from.
getDiscTrackCount() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
How many tracks are on the mounted disc (or in the playlist or player menu from which the current track was loaded)? Audio CDs will reflect the audio track count, while data discs will generally have one track regardless of how many usable audio files they contain when mounted.
getDuration() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the duration of the track, in seconds.
getEffectiveTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
getEffectiveTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
getEffectiveTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the effective tempo reflected by this update, which reflects both its track BPM and pitch as needed.
getEffectiveTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
getEffectiveTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
getEighthBeat() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the time at which the eighth beat would arrive, in milliseconds, if the track were being played at normal speed (a pitch of +0%).
getEmphasisColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Examine the color with which the playback position is drawn when playback is active.
getEmphasisColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Examine the color with which the playback position is drawn when playback is active.
getFaderStartListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Get the set of fader start listeners that are currently registered.
getFetchSongStructures() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Check whether we are supposed to obtain the song structure for tracks we are displaying when we are monitoring a player.
getFetchSongStructures() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Check whether we are supposed to obtain the song structure for tracks we are displaying when we are monitoring a player.
getFirmwareVersion() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Return the firmware version string reported in the packet.
getFirstDeviceTime() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Get the timestamp of when we saw the first announcement packet, to help the VirtualCdj determine how long it needs to watch for devices in order to avoid conflicts when self-assigning a device number.
getFourthBeat() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the time at which the fourth beat would arrive, in milliseconds, if the track were being played at normal speed (a pitch of +0%).
getFrameCount() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Count the half-frames of waveform available.
getFurthestPlaybackPosition() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Look up the furthest position, in milliseconds, that has been reached, giving playing players priority over stopped players.
getFurthestPlaybackState() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Look up the playback state that has reached furthest in the track, but give playing players priority over stopped players.
getFurthestPlaybackState() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Look up the playback state that has reached furthest in the track.
getGenre() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the genre of the track.
getHardwareAddress() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
Get the MAC address reported by the device.
getHotCueCount() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Return the number of entries in the cue list that represent hot cues.
getIdleLimit() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Check how long an idle connection will be kept open for reuse.
getImage() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArt
Given the byte buffer containing album art, build an actual image from it for easy rendering.
getIndicatorColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Examine the color with which the playback position and tick markers are drawn.
getIndicatorColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Examine the color with which the playback position and tick markers are drawn.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the singleton instance of this class.
getKey() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the musical key of the track.
getLabel() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the label that released the track.
getLabelFont() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Check the font being used to draw hot cue, memory point, and loop labels.
getLatestAnnouncementFrom(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Find and return the device announcement that was most recently received from a device identifying itself with the specified device number, if any.
getLatestArtFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Look up the album art we have for the track loaded in the main deck of a given player number.
getLatestArtFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Look up the album art we have for a given player, identified by a status update received from that player.
getLatestBeatGridFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Look up the beat grid we have for the track loaded in the main deck of a given player number.
getLatestBeatGridFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Look up the beat grid we have for a given player, identified by a status update received from that player.
getLatestDetailFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Look up the waveform detail we have for the track loaded in the main deck of a given player number.
getLatestDetailFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Look up the waveform detail we have for a given player, identified by a status update received from that player.
getLatestMetadataFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Look up the track metadata we have for the track loaded in the main deck of a given player number.
getLatestMetadataFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Look up the track metadata we have for a given player, identified by a status update received from that player.
getLatestPositionFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the latest information we have for the specified player.
getLatestPositionFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the latest information we have for the player that sent the supplied status update.
getLatestPositions() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the latest track position reports available for all visible players.
getLatestPreviewFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Look up the waveform preview we have for the track loaded in the main deck of a given player number.
getLatestPreviewFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Look up the waveform preview we have for a given player, identified by a status update received from that player.
getLatestSignatureFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Look up the signature we have calculated for the track loaded in the specified player.
getLatestSignatureFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Look up the signature we have calculated for the track loaded in a player, identified by a status update received from that player.
getLatestStatus() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the most recent status we have seen from all devices that are recent enough to be considered still active on the network.
getLatestStatusFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Look up the most recent status we have seen for a device from a device identifying itself with the specified device number, if any.
getLatestStatusFor(DeviceAnnouncement) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Look up the most recent status we have seen for a device, given its device announcement packet as returned by DeviceFinder.getCurrentDevices().
getLatestStatusFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Look up the most recent status we have seen for a device, given another update from it, which might be a beat packet containing far less information.
getLatestTrackAnalysisFor(int, String, String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Look up the analysis tag of a specific type we have for the track loaded in the main deck of a given player number.
getLatestTrackAnalysisFor(DeviceUpdate, String, String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Look up the track analysis tag of a specified type we have for a given player, identified by a status update received from that player.
getLatestUpdateFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the beat or status update reported by the specified player, whichever is most recent.
getLatestUpdates() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the latest device updates (either beats or status updates) available for all visible players.
getLifecycleListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleParticipant
Get the set of lifecycle listeners that are currently registered.
getLoadedAnalysisTags() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Get the analysis tags available for all tracks currently loaded in any player, either on the play deck, or in a hot cue.
getLoadedArt() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Get the art available for all tracks currently loaded in any player, either on the play deck, or in a hot cue.
getLoadedBeatGrids() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Get the beat grids available for all tracks currently loaded in any player, either on the play deck, or in a hot cue.
getLoadedDetails() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Get the waveform details available for all tracks currently loaded in any player, either on the play deck, or in a hot cue.
getLoadedPreviews() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Get the waveform previews available for all tracks currently loaded in any player, either on the play deck, or in a hot cue.
getLoadedTracks() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Get the metadata of all tracks currently loaded in any player, either on the play deck, or in a hot cue.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Return the address being used by the virtual CDJ to send its own presence announcement broadcasts.
getLoopEnd() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
If there is an active loop (and CdjStatus.canReportLooping() is true), returns position within the track (in milliseconds) at which the loop ends.
getLoopStart() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
If there is an active loop (and CdjStatus.canReportLooping() is true), returns position within the track (in milliseconds) at which the loop begins.
getMagicHeader() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Get the sequence of nine bytes which begins all UDP packets sent in the protocol as a ByteBuffer.
getMasterHandoffListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Get the set of master handoff command listeners that are currently registered.
getMasterListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the set of master listeners that are currently registered.
getMasterTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the current master tempo.
getMatchingInterfaces() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check the interfaces that match the address from which we are receiving DJ Link traffic.
getMediaDetailsFor(SlotReference) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Look up the details we know about the media mounted in a particular slot
getMediaDetailsListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the set of media details listeners that are currently registered.
getMemoryPointCount() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
Return the number of entries in the cue list that represent ordinary memory points, rather than hot cues.
getMenuBatchSize() - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Ghe maximum number of menu items we will request at a single time.
getMenuItemType() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Extracts the menu item type from a Message.KnownType.MENU_ITEM response.
getMenuResultsCount() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Extracts the result count from a Message.KnownType.MENU_AVAILABLE response.
getMetadataProviders(MediaDetails) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Get the set of metadata providers that can offer metadata for tracks loaded from the specified media.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
getMinimumSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
getMonitoredPlayer() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
See which player is having its state tracked automatically by the component, if any.
getMonitoredPlayer() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
See which player is having its state tracked automatically by the component, if any.
getMountedMediaDetails() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Get the details we know about all mounted media.
getMountedMediaSlots() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Returns the set of media slots on the network that currently have media mounted in them.
getMountListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Get the set of currently-registered mount update listeners.
getName() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
use DeviceAnnouncement.getDeviceName() instead for consistency with the device update classes
getNextBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the time at which the next bar would begin (the next downbeat would arrive), in milliseconds, if the track were being played at normal speed (a pitch of +0%).
getNextBeat() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the time at which the next beat would arrive, in milliseconds, if the track were being played at normal speed (a pitch of +0%).
getNexusColor() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Determine the color that an original Nexus series player would use to display this cue.
getNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
use DeviceAnnouncement.getDeviceNumber() instead for consistency with the device update classes
getOnAirListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Get the set of on-air listeners that are currently registered.
getOriginalArtist() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the track's original artist.
getPacketBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
Get the raw data bytes of the device announcement packet.
getPacketBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the raw data bytes of the device update packet.
getPacketNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Return the sequence number of this update packet, a value that increments with each packet sent.
getPitch() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the device pitch at the time of the beat.
getPitch() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the device pitch at the time of the update.
getPitch() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the device pitch at the time of the update.
getPitch() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
getPitch() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Get the device pitch at the time of the beat.
getPitch(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get a specific copy of the device pitch information at the time of the update.
getPlaybackPosition() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Get the current position of the player's playback head within the track, in milliseconds.
getPlaybackPosition() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Find details about the current simulated playback position.
getPlaybackState() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Look up all recorded playback state information.
getPlaybackState() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Look up all recorded playback state information.
getPlaybackState(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Look up the playback state recorded for a particular player.
getPlaybackState(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Look up the playback state recorded for a particular player.
getPlayerDBServerPort(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Look up the database server port reported by a given player.
getPlayState1() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the first play state found in the packet, labeled P1 in Packet Analysis document.
getPlayState2() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the second play state found in the packet, labeled P2 in the Packet Analysis document.
getPlayState3() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the third play state found in the packet, labeled P3 in the Packet Analysis document.
getPrecisePositionListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Get the set precise position listeners that are currently registered.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
getPreferredSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
getRating() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the rating assigned the track.
getRawBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArt
Get the raw bytes of the artwork image as returned by the player.
getRawBytes() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
Get the raw bytes of the media details as returned by the player.
getRawData() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Get the raw bytes of the beat grid as it was read over the network.
getRekordboxId() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the rekordbox ID of the track that was loaded, if any; labeled rekordbox in Figure 11 of the Packet Analysis document.
getRemixer() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the producer who remixed the track.
getRequestHighResolutionArt() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Check whether we are requesting high-resolution artwork when it is available.
getRetryLimit() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Check how many times we will try to download a file from a player before giving up.
getScale() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Check the zoom scale of the view.
getSecondBar() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the time at which the second upcoming bar would begin (the second downbeat would arrive), in milliseconds, if the track were being played at normal speed (a pitch of +0%).
getSecondBeat() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Get the time at which the second upcoming beat would arrive, in milliseconds, if the track were being played at normal speed (a pitch of +0%).
getSignatureListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Get the set of currently-registered signature listeners.
getSignatures() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Get the signatures that have been computed for all tracks currently loaded in any player for which we have been able to obtain all necessary metadata.
getSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
getSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Field
Get the size, in bytes, of the network representation of this field, excluding the leading type tag and length bytes (if any).
getSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
getSize() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
getSlack() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Check how many milliseconds our interpolated time is allowed to drift from what is being reported by a player before we consider it a significant enough change to report to listeners that are trying to closely track a player's playback position.
getSlotReference() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
Extract the slot reference portion of this data reference (discarding the rekordbox ID).
getSlotReference(int, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SlotReference
Get a unique reference to a media slot on the network from which tracks can be loaded.
getSlotReference(DataReference) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SlotReference
Get a unique reference to the media slot on the network from which the specified data was loaded.
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Check how long we will wait for a socket to connect or for a read operation to complete.
getStartTime() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Get the timestamp of when we started listening for device announcements.
getStatusInterval() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check how often we will send status packets, if we are configured to send them.
getSyncListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Get the set of sync command listeners that are currently registered.
getSyncNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the sync counter used in the tempo master handoff.
getTagListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Get the sets of currently-registered analysis tag listeners.
getTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the starting tempo of the track.
getTempo() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check the tempo at which we report ourselves to be playing.
getTempoEpsilon() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Find out how large a tempo change is required before we consider it to be a real difference.
getTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check which device is the current tempo master, returning the DeviceUpdate packet in which it reported itself to be master.
getTimeFor(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the best guess we have for the current track position on the specified player.
getTimeFor(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Get the best guess we have for the current track position on the player that sent the specified update.
getTimeForX(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Determine the playback time that corresponds to a particular X coordinate in the component given the current scale.
getTimeForX(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Determine the playback time that corresponds to a particular X coordinate in the component given the current scale.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
Get the last time the device was heard from.
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Get the timestamp recording when the device update was received.
getTimeWithinTrack(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
Returns the time at which the specified beat falls within the track.
getTitle() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the title of the track.
getTotalTime() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Determine how long the track plays, in milliseconds.
getTrackLength() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Get the length of the track that is loaded in the player, in seconds, rounded down to the nearest second.
getTrackMetadata(MediaDetails, DataReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get metadata for a particular track, if it is available.
getTrackMetadataListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Get the set of currently-registered track metadata update listeners.
getTrackNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the track number of the loaded track.
getTrackSourcePlayer() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the device number of the player from which the track was loaded, if any; labeled Dr in the Packet Analysis document.
getTrackSourceSlot() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the slot from which the track was loaded, if any; labeled Sr in the Packet Analysis document.
getTrackType() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Get the type of the track was loaded, if any; labeled Tr in the Packet Analysis document.
getTypeTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
getTypeTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Field
Get the value which identifies the start of this field in the network stream.
getTypeTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
getTypeTag() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
getUpdateListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Get the set of device update listeners that are currently registered.
getUseStandardPlayerNumber() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
When self-assigning a player number, should we try to use a value that is legal for a standard CDJ, in the range 1 to 4? By default, we do not, to avoid any potential conflict with real players.
getValue() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
Get the bytes which represent the payload of this field, without the leading type tag and length header.
getValue() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
Get the numeric value this field represents.
getValue() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
Get the string represented by this field.
getValueAsArray() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
Get the bytes which represent the payload of this field, without the leading type tag and length header, as a newly-allocated byte array.
getWaveform() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Obtain the waveform detail being drawn.
getWaveformDetail(MediaDetails, DataReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get the waveform detail for a particular track, if it is available.
getWaveformListeners() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Get the set of currently-registered waveform listeners.
getWaveformPreview() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Obtain the waveform preview being drawn.
getWaveformPreview(MediaDetails, DataReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get the waveform preview for a particular track, if it is available.
getXForBeat(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Determine the X coordinate within the component at which the specified beat begins.
getXForBeat(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Determine the X coordinate within the component at which the specified beat begins.
getYear() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Get the year of the track, if known.
GREEK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
GREETING_FIELD - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
The greeting message exchanged over a new connection consists of a 4-byte number field containing the value 1.


HALF - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode
halfFrameToTime(long) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Figure out the track time that corresponds to a half-frame number (75 frames per second, so 150 half-frames).
hasChanged(MediaDetails) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
Check whether the media seems to have changed since a saved version of it was used.
hashCode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
hashCode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
hashCode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
hashCode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
hashCode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SearchableItem
hashCode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
hashKey() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
Build a string containing the things that we do not expect to change about the media, to help us recognize it when it gets mounted in the future.
hasMySettings - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
Indicates that the DJ has stored device setting preferences on the media, so the player should display an alert showing how to apply them when at the root menu.
HIGH_CHORUS_1_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a chorus 1 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_CHORUS_2_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a chorus 2 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_DOWN_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a down phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_INTRO_1_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an intro 1 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_INTRO_2_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an intro 2 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_OUTRO_1_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an outro 1 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_OUTRO_2_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an outro 2 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_UP_1_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an up 1 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_UP_2_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an up 2 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HIGH_UP_3_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an up 3 phrase in a track with a high mood.
HISTORY_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the history list.
HISTORY_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of performance histories found in the specified media slot.
HISTORY_PLAYLIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A list of tracks that were performed in a past session.
HOT_CUE_BANK_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the hot cue bank list.
hotCue - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DeckReference
The hot cue number in which the track is loaded, or 0 if it is actively loaded on the playback deck.
hotCueColor - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls whether hot cue colors are displayed.
hotCueNumber - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
If this has a non-zero value, this entry is a hot cue with that identifier.
humanReadableByteCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Format a number of bytes in a human-centric format.


id - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SearchableItem
The database ID associated with this item, for searches.
INFO - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
INTENSE_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
The color at which segments of the blue waveform marked most intense are drawn.
INVALID_DATA - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
A response indicating that a request could not be fulfilled for some reason.
invokeWithClientSession(int, ConnectionManager.ClientTask<T>, String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Obtain a dbserver client session that can be used to perform some task, call that task with the client, then release the client.
isAddressIgnored(InetAddress) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Check whether an address is being ignored.
isAtEnd() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently stopped at the end of a track?
isBeatWithinBarMeaningful() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Returns true if this beat is coming from a device where Beat.getBeatWithinBar() can reasonably be expected to have musical significance, because it respects the way a track was configured within rekordbox.
isBeatWithinBarMeaningful() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Returns true if this beat is coming from a device where CdjStatus.getBeatWithinBar() can reasonably be expected to have musical significance, because it respects the way a track was configured within rekordbox.
isBeatWithinBarMeaningful() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Returns true if this update is coming from a device where DeviceUpdate.getBeatWithinBar() can reasonably be expected to have musical significance, because it respects the way a track was configured within rekordbox.
isBeatWithinBarMeaningful() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
Returns true if this beat is coming from a device where MixerStatus.getBeatWithinBar() can reasonably be expected to have musical significance, because it respects the way a track was configured within rekordbox.
isBeatWithinBarMeaningful() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Returns true if this update is coming from a device where PrecisePosition.getBeatWithinBar() can reasonably be expected to have musical significance, because it respects the way a track was configured within rekordbox.
isBpmOnlySynced() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Was the CDJ in degraded BPM Sync mode when this update was sent? This indicates that the player had been in Sync mode, but the DJ used pitch bend (for example by nudging the jog wheel), so while it is still tracking the tempo of the master player, it is no longer aligning beats.
isBusy() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Check if the player is doing anything.
isColor - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Indicates whether this is an NXS2-style color waveform, or a monochrome (blue) waveform.
isColor - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Indicates whether this is an NXS2-style color waveform, or a monochrome (blue) waveform.
isColorPreferred() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Check whether we are retrieving color versions of waveforms and previews when they are available.
isConnected() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Check whether our connection is still available for use.
isCued() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently cued?
isDiscSlotAsleep() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Has this player's CD drive powered down due to prolonged disuse? When this returns true, the other methods asking about the disc slot do not provide reliable values.
isDiscSlotEmpty() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is disc media absent from this particular CDJ? Also returns true if the CD drive has powered off from being unused for too long, in which case CdjStatus.isDiscSlotAsleep() will also return true.
isDynamicLoopDataAvailable() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Checks whether any players we are tracking are capable of sending information about current loop status.
isFindingDetails() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Check whether we are retrieving the waveform details in addition to the waveform previews.
isLinkMediaAvailable() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is link media available somewhere on the network?
isLocalSdEmpty() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is SD media absent from this particular CDJ?
isLocalSdLoaded() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is SD media loaded in this particular CDJ?
isLocalSdUnloading() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is SD media being unloaded from this particular CDJ?
isLocalUsbEmpty() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is USB media absent from this particular CDJ?
isLocalUsbLoaded() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is USB media loaded in this particular CDJ?
isLocalUsbUnloading() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is USB media being unloaded from this particular CDJ?
isLoop - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
Indicates whether this entry represents a loop, as opposed to a simple cue point.
isLooping() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently playing a loop?
isNoColor(Color) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
Checks whether a color value corresponds to the "No Color" choice in rekordbox.
isOnAir() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Was the CDJ on the air when this update was sent? A player is considered to be on the air when it is connected to a mixer channel that is not faded out.
isOnAir() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Checks whether we believe our channel is currently on the air (audible in the mixer output).
isOwnBeatListener(BeatListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Checks whether the specified beat listener belongs to the TimeFinder.
isPassive() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Check whether we are configured to use metadata only from caches and downloaded metadata exports, never actively requesting it from a player.
isPaused() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently paused?
isPlaying() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Was the CDJ playing a track when this update was sent?
isPlaying() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check whether we are pretending to be playing.
isPlayingBackwards() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently playing backwards?
isPlayingCdjMode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently playing with the jog wheel in CDJ mode?
isPlayingForwards() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently playing forwards?
isPlayingVinylMode() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently playing with the jog wheel in Vinyl mode?
isPreNexusCdj() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Check whether this packet seems to have come from a CDJ older than the original Nexus series (which means, for example, that beat numbers will not be available, so the TimeFinder can't work with it.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Check whether we are presently listening for beat packets.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Check whether we are currently running.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Check whether we are presently listening for device announcements.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleParticipant
Check whether this component has been started.
isRunning() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check whether we are presently posing as a virtual CDJ and receiving device status updates.
isSearching() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is the player currently searching?
isSendingStatus() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check whether we are currently sending status packets.
isSynced() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Was this beat sent by a device that is synced to the tempo master?
isSynced() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Was the CDJ in Sync mode when this update was sent?
isSynced() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Is this device reporting itself synced to the current tempo master?
isSynced() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
Was the mixer in Sync mode when this update was sent? Unless someone has been sending sync control packets using a package like Beat Link, this will generally return true.
isSynced() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Was this beat sent by a device that is synced to the tempo master?
isSynced() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check whether we are currently staying in sync with the tempo master.
isTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
Was this beat sent by the current tempo master?
isTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is this CDJ reporting itself to be the current tempo master?
isTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
Is this device reporting itself to be the current tempo master?
isTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
Is this mixer reporting itself to be the current tempo master?
isTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Was this beat sent by the current tempo master?
isTempoMaster() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Check whether we are currently in charge of the tempo and beat alignment.
isTrackLoaded() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Is a track loaded?
ITALIAN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language


JAPANESE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
jogMode - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls how the jog wheel affects playback.
jogRingIllumination - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the illumination of the player's jog ring.
jogRingIndicator - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the jog ring indicator feature.
jogWheelDisplay - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls what is shown in the jog wheel display screens.
jogWheelLcdBrightness - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the brightness of the jog wheel LCD display.
jumpToBeat(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Moves our current playback position to the specified beat; this will be reflected in any status and beat packets that we are sending.


KEY - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A string containing the musical key of a track, part of the track metadata response.
KEY_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the key list.
KEY_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of track keys found in the specified media slot.
KNOWN_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Allows a known message type to be looked up by the message type number.
knownType - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The recognized type, if any, of this message.
KOREAN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language


label - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SearchableItem
The text label used to show this item to the user.
LABEL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A string containing the label that issued a track, part of the track metadata response.
LABEL_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the label menu.
LABEL_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of record labels in the specified media slot.
language - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the language displayed in the player user interface.
lcdBrightness - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the brightness of the main LCD display.
LEADING_DBSERVER_COLOR_JUNK_BYTES - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
The number of bytes at the start of the color waveform data to be skipped when that was loaded using the nxs2 ANLZ tag request.
LEADING_DBSERVER_COLOR_JUNK_BYTES - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
The number of bytes at the start of the color waveform data to be skipped when that was loaded using the nxs2 ANLZ tag request.
LEADING_DBSERVER_JUNK_BYTES - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
The number of bytes at the start of the waveform data which do not seem to be valid or used when it is served by the dbserver protocol.
LifecycleListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving updates when a Beat Link component is started or stopped.
LifecycleParticipant - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Provides the abstract skeleton for all the classes that can be started and stopped in Beat Link, and for which other classes may have a need to know when they start or stop.
LifecycleParticipant() - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleParticipant
LOAD_SETTINGS_COMMAND - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
A command to apply settings to a player; usually sent by rekordbox
LOAD_TRACK_ACK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
A response indicating that the specified track is being loaded.
LOAD_TRACK_COMMAND - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
A command to load a particular track; usually sent by rekordbox.
LOADING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
A track is in the process of being loaded.
LOOPING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
The player is playing a loop.
loopPosition - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
If the entry represents a loop, indicates the loop point in half-frame units, which are 1/150 of a second.
loopTime - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
If the entry represents a loop, indicates the loop point in milliseconds.
LOW_BRIDGE_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a bridge phrase in a track with a low mood.
LOW_CHORUS_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a chorus phrase in a track with a low mood.
LOW_INTRO_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an intro phrase in a track with a low mood.
LOW_OUTRO_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an outro phrase in a track with a low mood.
LOW_VERSE_1_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 1 phrase in a track with a low mood.
LOW_VERSE_2_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 2 phrase in a track with a low mood.


MAC_ADDRESS_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
MAGYAR - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
MAIN_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
The primary menu which appears on the left half of the player display.
MASTER_FLAG - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The bit within the status flag that indicates the player is the tempo master, as illustrated in the Packet Analysis document.
MASTER_HAND_OFF - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The byte within a status packet which indicates that the device is in the process of handing off the tempo master role to anther device, labeled Mh in the Packet Analysis document.
MASTER_HAND_OFF - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
The byte within a status packet which indicates that the device is in the process of handing off the tempo master role to anther device, labeled Mh in the Packet Analysis document.
MASTER_HANDOFF_REQUEST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used by an incoming tempo master to ask the current tempo master to relinquish that role.
MASTER_HANDOFF_RESPONSE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used by the active tempo master to respond to a request to relinquish that role.
MasterAdapter - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
An abstract adapter class for receiving updates related to the tempo master.
MasterAdapter() - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterAdapter
masterChanged(DeviceUpdate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterAdapter
masterChanged(DeviceUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterListener
Invoked when there is a change in which device is the current tempo master.
MasterHandoffListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving tempo master handoff messages.
MasterListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving updates about changes to tempo master state.
masterTempo - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the Master Tempo feature.
MAX_BEAT - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
The longest beat we will report playing; if we are still playing and reach this beat, we will loop back to beat one.
maxHeight - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Holds the maximum height of any point along the waveform, so that it can be drawn in a normalized manner to fit its display area.
MAXIMUM_AGE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
The number of milliseconds after which we will consider a device to have disappeared if we have not received an announcement from it.
MEDIA_QUERY - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used to ask a player for information about the media mounted in a slot.
MEDIA_RESPONSE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
The response sent when a Media Query is received.
MediaDetails - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Represents information about the media mounted in a player's slot; returned in response to a media query packet.
MediaDetails(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
Constructor sets all the immutable interpreted fields based on the packet content.
MediaDetailsListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving media detail responses when the VirtualCdj has been told to ask for information about what is in a player’s media slot.
mediaMounted(SlotReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MountListener
Report that media is newly available in the specified player slot.
mediaType - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The type of tracks stored in this media.
mediaUnmounted(SlotReference) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MountListener
Report that media is no longer available in the specified player slot.
MEDIUM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
MEMORY - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MENU_AVAILABLE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
This response indicates that a query has been accepted, and reports how many results are available.
MENU_FOOTER - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
When Message.KnownType.RENDER_MENU_REQ is used to retrieve a set of results, this message will be sent as the final response, following any Message.KnownType.MENU_ITEM messages that were requested.
MENU_HEADER - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
When Message.KnownType.RENDER_MENU_REQ is used to retrieve a set of results, this message will be sent as the first response, followed by as many Message.KnownType.MENU_ITEM messages as were requested.
MENU_IDENTIFIER_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Allows a menu/destination to be looked up by the value seen in the second byte of the first argument of many request messages.
MENU_ITEM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
A series of messages of this type are the payload returned in response to Message.KnownType.RENDER_MENU_REQ.
MENU_ITEM_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Allows a menu item type to be looked up by the value seen in the seventh argument of a Message.KnownType.MENU_ITEM response.
MENU_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
How many seconds are we willing to wait to lock the database client for menu operations.
MenuLoader - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides support for navigating the menu hierarchy offered by the dbserver on a player for a particular media slot.
menuRequest(Message.KnownType, Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, Field...) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Send a request for a menu that we will retrieve items from in subsequent requests.
menuRequestTyped(Message.KnownType, Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, CdjStatus.TrackType, Field...) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Send a request for a menu that we will retrieve items from in subsequent requests, when the request must reflect the actual type of track being asked about.
Message - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
Encapsulates a full dbserver message, made up of a list of Field objects, and having a particular structure, as described in the Packet Analysis document.
Message(long, long, Field...) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Constructor for experimenting with new message types.
Message(long, Message.KnownType, Field...) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Constructor from code using known message types.
Message(NumberField, NumberField, Field...) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Constructor when being read from the network, so already have all the fields created.
MESSAGE_START - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The special field that marks the start of a new message.
Message.KnownType - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
Defines all the message types we know about, with any information we know about their arguments.
Message.MenuIdentifier - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
For many types of query messages, the first argument of the message is a 4-byte integer which we currently refer to as r:m:s:t, because the first byte is the player number of the player making the request, the second byte identifies the menu or destination for which information is being loaded, the third byte identifies the media slot (USB or SD) being asked about (as described in CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot), and the fourth byte identifies the type of track being worked with (for most requests this is 1, meaning rekordbox).
Message.MenuItemType - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
Defines all the known types of entries that can be returned for a menu request.
messageType - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The 2-byte number field that identifies what type of message this is, immediately following the transaction sequence number.
metadata - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadataUpdate
The metadata which is now associated with the track loaded in the player's main deck.
metadataChanged(TrackMetadataUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadataListener
Called when the metadata available for a player has changed.
MetadataFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Watches for new tracks to be loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for the metadata information when that happens.
MetadataProvider - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
A class that is able to provide metadata for a loaded track without the need to query the source player can implement this interface and register itself with the MetadataFinder.addMetadataProvider(MetadataProvider).
MID_BRIDGE_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a bridge phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_CHORUS_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a chorus phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_INTRO_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an intro phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_OUTRO_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of an outro phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_VERSE_1_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 1 phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_VERSE_2_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 2 phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_VERSE_3_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 3 phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_VERSE_4_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 4 phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_VERSE_5_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 5 phrase in a track with a mid mood.
MID_VERSE_6_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The color of a verse 6 phrase in a track with a mid mood.
milliseconds - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
How far into the track has the player reached.
millisecondsToX(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Converts a time in milliseconds to the appropriate x coordinate for drawing something at that time.
millisecondsToX(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Converts a time in milliseconds to the appropriate x coordinate for drawing something at that time.
MIN_WAVEFORM_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
The minimum acceptable width for the waveform.
MINIMUM_PACKET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The smallest packet size from which we can be constructed.
MINIMUM_PACKET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The smallest packet size from which we can be constructed.
MINIMUM_PACKET_SIZE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
The smallest packet size from which we can be constructed.
MINUS_36 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MINUS_42 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MINUS_48 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MINUS_54 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MINUS_60 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MINUS_66 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MINUS_72 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MINUS_78 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
MIXER_STATUS - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
A status update from the mixer, with status flags, pitch, and tempo, and beat-within-bar information.
MixerStatus - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Represents a status update sent by a mixer on a DJ Link network.
MixerStatus(DatagramPacket) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
Constructor sets all the immutable interpreted fields based on the packet content.
MountListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when the set of mounted media slots on the network changes.
movementChanged(TrackPositionUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionListener
Called when there has been a significant change in movement since the last reported change.
MOVING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState2
The player is moving through a track.


name - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The name assigned to the media within rekordbox.
name - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
The name by which we describe this kind of packet.
needleLock - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the Needle Lock feature.
NEIGHBOR_MENU_FOR_KEY - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a key neighbor menu (showing harmonically compatible keys and their distance, ranging from 0 to 2) available in the specified media slot.
NEUTRAL_PITCH - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The value sent in beat and status packets to represent playback at normal speed.
newBeat(Beat) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatListener
Invoked when a beat is reported on the network.
newBeat(Beat) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterAdapter
Invoked when a beat is reported by the tempo master, as long as the BeatFinder is active.
newBeat(Beat, TrackPositionUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionBeatListener
Invoked when a beat is reported by a player for which we have a BeatGrid.
NO_MENU_RESULTS_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The value returned by Message.getMenuResultsCount() when there is no data available for the request that was made.
NO_TRACK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
No track has been loaded.
NO_TRACK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
No track has been loaded.
NO_TRACK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
Nothing has been loaded.
NO_TRACK - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
No track has been loaded.
NORMAL_COLOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
The color at which non-intense blue waveform segments are drawn.
NumberField - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
A number field represents an integer, and can take up 1, 2, or 4 bytes, depending on the tag which introduces it.
NumberField(byte, DataInputStream) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
Constructor for reading from the network.
NumberField(long) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
Convenience constructor from code, for the most common case of wanting a 4-byte number field.
NumberField(long, int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
Constructor from code.
numberToBytes(int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Writes a number to the specified byte array field, breaking it into its component bytes in big-endian order.


OFF - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode
OFF - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Illumination
OFF - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Toggle
ON - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode
ON - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Toggle
ON_AIR_FLAG - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The bit within the status flag that indicates the player is on the air, as illustrated in the Packet Analysis document.
onAirDisplay - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls whether the player displays whether it is currently on the air (when paired with a mixer that supports this feature).
OnAirListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving on-air status messages.
org.deepsymmetry.beatlink - package org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
A library for synchronizing with beats from Pioneer DJ Link equipment, and finding out details about the tracks that are playing.
org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data - package org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Offers rich information about the tracks loaded in players on the network.
org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver - package org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
Provides an interface to the database servers running on Pioneer players.
ORIGINAL_ARTIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The artist who originally recorded a track.
ORIGINAL_ARTIST_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the original artist menu.
ORIGINAL_ARTIST_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the original artist menu for the specified media slot.
OverlayPainter - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
In order to make it easy for applications like Beat Link Trigger to overlay selections or cues on the GUI components offered by Beat Link, they allow an overlay painter to be registered with them, and it will then be invoked after the component has done its own painting.


PACKET_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Allows a known packet type to be looked up given the port number it was received on and the packet type byte.
PACKET_TYPE_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
The offset into protocol packets which identify the content of the packet.
padButtonBrightness - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the brightness of the performance pads and buttons.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
paintOverlay(Component, Graphics) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.OverlayPainter
Paint the overlay on top of the component, which has finished doing its own painting.
PAUSED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
The player is paused anywhere other than the cue point.
PAUSED_OR_REVERSE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
The player is paused or playing in Reverse mode.
percentageToPitch(double) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Convert a human-oriented pitch percentage (-100% to +100%, where normal, unadjusted playback speed has the value 0%) to the raw numeric value used to represent it in beat and CDJ status packets.
phaseMeterType - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the phase meter type displayed.
phraseColor(RekordboxAnlz.SongStructureEntry) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Get the color that should be used for the bar representing a phrase being painted on a waveform.
phraseLabel(RekordboxAnlz.SongStructureEntry) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Get the text that should be used for the label representing a phrase being painted on a waveform.
phraseTextColor(RekordboxAnlz.SongStructureEntry) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Returns the color that should be used for the text of a phrase label, for legibility on the phrase background.
pitch - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
The playback pitch when this update was created.
pitchToMultiplier(long) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Convert a pitch value reported by a device to the corresponding multiplier (0.0 to 2.0, where normal, unadjusted pitch has the multiplier 1.0).
pitchToPercentage(long) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Convert a pitch value reported by a device to the corresponding percentage (-100% to +100%, where normal, unadjusted pitch has the value 0%).
PLAY_STATE_1_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Allows a known P1 value to be looked up based on the byte that was seen in a status update.
PLAY_STATE_2_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Allows a known P2 value to be looked up based on the byte that was seen in a status update.
PLAY_STATE_3_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Allows a known P3 value to be looked up based on the byte that was seen in a status update.
PlaybackState - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Captures the playback state of a single player that has the track loaded, as an immutable value class.
PlaybackState(int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.PlaybackState
Create an instance to represent a particular playback state.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArtUpdate
The player number for which an album art change has occurred.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagUpdate
The player number for which a track analysis information change has occurred.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridUpdate
The player number for which a beat grid change has occurred.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
The player in which this track, album art, beat grid, or waveform is mounted.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DeckReference
The player in which this track is loaded.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.PlaybackState
The player number whose playback state this represents.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureUpdate
The player number for which a signature change has occurred.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SlotReference
The player in which this slot is found.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadataUpdate
The player number for which a metadata change has occurred.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailUpdate
The player number for which a waveform detail change has occurred.
player - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewUpdate
The player number for which a waveform preview change has occurred.
PlayerSettings - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Encapsulates the “My Settings” configuration parameters that can be applied to a player over the network.
PlayerSettings() - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Create an instance with default settings values.
PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for establishing an automatic cue point when loading a track.
PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for whether to auto-load hot cues when loading a track.
PlayerSettings.Illumination - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The brightness choices for optional illumination (for example of the jog ring or disc slot).
PlayerSettings.JogMode - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for how the jog wheel affects playback.
PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for what to display in the jog wheel display screens.
PlayerSettings.Language - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for the player user interface language.
PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The brightness options for the player's LCD screen.
PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The brightness options for the player's performance pads and buttons.
PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for the phase meter type.
PlayerSettings.PlayMode - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for whether to keep playing when a track ends.
PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options the quantization size.
PlayerSettings.TempoRange - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for tempo range limits.
PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for how time is displayed on the player.
PlayerSettings.Toggle - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
A standard on/off choice which is used in many settings.
PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The options for the phase meter type.
playing - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.PlaybackState
Whether the player is actively playing the track.
playing - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
If true, the player reported that it was playing when the update was received.
PLAYING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
The player is playing normally.
PLAYING_FLAG - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The bit within the status flag that indicates the player is playing, as illustrated in the Packet Analysis document.
PLAYLIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
When listing playlists, reports the name and ID of an actual playlist, as opposed to a sub-folder.
PLAYLIST_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the playlist hierarchy.
PLAYLIST_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a playlist or folder by ID.
playlistCount - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The number of rekordbox playlists in the media database.
PLUS_MINUS_10 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
PLUS_MINUS_16 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
PLUS_MINUS_6 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
port - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
The port on which this kind of packet is received.
PORTUGUESE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
posingAsPlayer - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
The player we are pretending to be.
position - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.PlaybackState
The current playback position of the player in milliseconds.
positionReported(PrecisePosition) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePositionListener
Invoked when a precise player position is reported on the network.
precise - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
If true, we are receiving precise position packets from this player, so we know exactly where the player is even when it is not playing, or jumping or looping within beats.
PRECISE_POSITION - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Reports the exact playback position of a CDJ-3000 or newer player, on a very frequent basis, even if it is not currently playing.
PrecisePosition - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
A device update that reports the exact playback position of a CDJ-3000 (or newer?) player, even if it is not currently playing.
PrecisePosition(DatagramPacket) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
Constructor sets all the immutable interpreted fields based on the packet content.
PrecisePositionListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving precise position announcements.
preview - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewUpdate
The waveform preview which is now associated with the track loaded in the player's main deck.
previewChanged(WaveformPreviewUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformListener
Called when the waveform preview available for a player has changed.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
The value that represents this play state in a status update.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState2
The value that represents this play state in a status update.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
The value that represents this play state in a status update.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
The value that represents this media source in a status update or dbserver request.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
The value that represents this track type in a status update.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
The numeric value that identifies this message type, by its presence in a 4-byte number field immediately following the message start indicator.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
The value which identifies this menu or destination by appearing in the second byte of the first argument of many request messages.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The value which identifies this type of menu item by appearing in the seventh argument of a Message.KnownType.MENU_ITEM response.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each auto cue level setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each auto load setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Illumination
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each illumination setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogMode
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each jog mode setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each jog wheel display setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each language setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each brightness setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each brightness setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each phase meter setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PlayMode
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each play mode setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each quantize mode setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each tempo range setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each time display setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Toggle
The value in the Load Settings packet which corresponds to the chosen state.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust
The value sent in the Load Settings packet which establishes each vinyl speed adjust setting.
protocolValue - Variable in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
The value that appears in the type byte which identifies this type of packet.


quantize - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls whether quantization is enabled.
quantizeBeatValue - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the scale at which quantization is applied, when it is active.
QUARTER - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode


RATING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The rating assigned a track by the DJ, part of the track metadata response.
RATING_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the folder list.
RATING_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of ratings in the specified media slot.
rawExtendedTags - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
The bytes from which the Kaitai Struct tags holding the nxs2 cue list information (which can include DJ-assigned comment text for each cue) were parsed from an extended ANLZ file.
rawItems - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
The raw dbserver messages containing the metadata when it was read over the network.
rawMessage - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
The message holding the cue list information as it was read over the network.
rawMessage - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
The message holding the detail as it was read over the network.
rawMessage - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
The message holding the preview as it was read over the network, if it came from the dbserver.
rawRow - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
The raw row within a rekordbox database export from which this metadata was created, if any.
rawTags - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
The bytes from which the Kaitai Struct tags holding cue list information were parsed from an ANLZ file.
read(DataInputStream) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Field
Read a field from the supplied stream, starting with the tag that identifies the type, and reading enough to collect the corresponding value.
read(DataInputStream) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Read the next message from the stream.
received(DeviceUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdateListener
Invoked whenever a device status update is received by VirtualCdj.
REKORDBOX - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
The track was loaded from a rekordbox database, and has been analyzed for beat grid and waveforms.
REKORDBOX - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode
REKORDBOX_METADATA_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the metadata associated with a particular track, by rekordbox ID.
rekordboxColor - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
The color with which this hot cue will be displayed in rekordbox, if it is a hot cue with a recognized color code, or null if that does not apply.
rekordboxId - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
The unique ID of the track, album art, beat grid, or waveform within that media database.
RELEASE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust
REMAINING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode
REMIXER - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The producer who remixed a track.
REMIXER_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the remixer menu.
REMIXER_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the remixer menu for the specified media slot.
removeAlbumArtListener(AlbumArtListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Removes the specified album art listener so that it no longer receives updates when the album art for a player changes.
removeAnalysisTagListener(AnalysisTagListener, String, String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives updates when track analysis information of a specific type for a player changes.
removeBeatGridListener(BeatGridListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Removes the specified beat grid listener so that it no longer receives updates when the beat grid information for a player changes.
removeBeatListener(BeatListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Removes the specified beat listener so that it no longer receives beat announcements when DJ Link devices broadcast them to the network.
removeDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Removes the specified database listener so that it no longer receives updates when there are changes to the available set of rekordbox databases.
removeDeviceAnnouncementListener(DeviceAnnouncementListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Removes the specified device announcement listener so that it no longer receives device announcements when DJ Link devices are found on or leave the network.
removeFaderStartListener(FaderStartListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Removes the specified fader start listener so that it no longer receives fader start commands when the mixer broadcasts them to the network.
removeIgnoredAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Stop ignoring device updates which are received from the specified address.
removeLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleParticipant
Removes the specified life cycle listener so that it no longer receives announcements when the component starts or stops.
removeMasterHandoffListener(MasterHandoffListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Removes the specified master handoff listener so that it no longer receives tempo master handoff commands when DJ Link devices send them to Beat Link.
removeMasterListener(MasterListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Removes the specified master listener so that it no longer receives device updates when there are changes related to the tempo master.
removeMediaDetailsListener(MediaDetailsListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Removes the specified media details listener so it no longer receives detail responses when they come in.
removeMetadataProvider(MetadataProvider) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Removes a metadata provider, so it will no longer be consulted to provide metadata for tracks loaded from any media.
removeMountListener(MountListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Removes the specified mount update listener so that it no longer receives updates when a player mounts or unmounts media in one of its media slots.
removeOnAirListener(OnAirListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Removes the specified on-air listener so that it no longer receives channel on-air updates when the mixer broadcasts them to the network.
removePrecisePositionListener(PrecisePositionListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Removes the specified precise position listener so that it no longer receives precise position updates when DJ Link devices send them to Beat Link.
removeSignatureListener(SignatureListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Removes the specified signature listener so that it no longer receives updates when the track signature for a player changes.
removeSyncListener(SyncListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Removes the specified sync listener so that it no longer receives sync commands when DJ Link devices send them to Beat Link.
removeTrackMetadataListener(TrackMetadataListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Removes the specified track metadata update listener so that it no longer receives updates when track metadata for a player changes.
removeTrackPositionListener(TrackPositionListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Remove a listener that was following track playback movement.
removeUpdateListener(DeviceUpdateListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Removes the specified device update listener so it no longer receives device updates when they come in.
removeWaveformListener(WaveformListener) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Removes the specified waveform listener so that it no longer receives updates when the waveform information for a player changes.
RENDER_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Once a specific type of request has been made and acknowledged, this allows the results to be retrieved, possibly in paginated chunks starting at offset, returning up to limit results.
renderMenuItems(Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, CdjStatus.TrackType, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Gather up the specified range of responses for a menu request.
renderMenuItems(Message.MenuIdentifier, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, CdjStatus.TrackType, Message) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Gather up all the responses that are available for a menu request.
repaint(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.RepaintDelegate
Request that a region of this component be scheduled for repaint even though it is not actually in any on-screen container.
RepaintDelegate - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Supports delegation of Swing repaint calls to a host component.
requestAlbumMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Album menu.
requestAlbumTrackMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Album Track menu.
requestAnalysisTagFrom(DataReference, String, String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Ask the specified player for the specified track analysis information from the specified media slot, first checking if we have a cached copy.
requestArtistAlbumMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Artist Album menu.
requestArtistAlbumTrackMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Artist Album Tracks menu.
requestArtistMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Artist menu.
requestArtworkFrom(DataReference, CdjStatus.TrackType) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Ask the specified player for the specified artwork from the specified media slot, first checking if we have a cached copy.
requestBeatGridFrom(DataReference) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Ask the specified player for the beat grid of the track in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID, first checking if we have a cache we can use instead.
requestBitRateMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Bit Rate menu.
requestBpmMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a BPM menu.
requestBpmRangeMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a tempo range menu for a given BPM.
requestColorMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Color menu.
requestFilenameMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Filename menu.
requestFolderMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Folder menu for exploring its raw filesystem.
requestGenreArtistAlbumMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Genre Artist Albums menu.
requestGenreArtistAlbumTrackMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Genre Artist Album Tracks menu.
requestGenreArtistMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Genre Artists menu.
requestGenreMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Genre menu.
requestHistoryMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a History menu.
requestHistoryPlaylistFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player a History playlist.
requestKeyMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Key menu.
requestKeyNeighborMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a key neighbor menu for a given key.
requestLabelArtistAlbumMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Label Artist Albums menu.
requestLabelArtistAlbumTrackMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Label Artist Album Tracks menu.
requestLabelArtistMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Label Artists menu.
requestLabelMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Label menu.
requestMetadataFrom(CdjStatus) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Given a status update from a CDJ, find the metadata for the track that it has loaded, if any.
requestMetadataFrom(DataReference, CdjStatus.TrackType) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Ask the specified player for metadata about the track in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID, unless we have a metadata download available for the specified media slot, in which case that will be used instead.
requestMoreSearchResultsFrom(int, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, int, String, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for more database records whose names contain text.
requestOriginalArtistAlbumMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Original Artist Album menu.
requestOriginalArtistAlbumTrackMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Original Artist Album Tracks menu.
requestOriginalArtistMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for an Original Artist menu.
requestPlaylistItemsFrom(int, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Ask the specified player's dbserver for the playlist entries of the specified playlist (if folder is false), or the list of playlists and folders inside the specified playlist folder (if folder is true).
requestPlaylistMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Playlist menu.
requestRatingMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Rating menu.
requestRemixerAlbumMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Remixer Album menu.
requestRemixerAlbumTrackMenuFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Remixer Album Tracks menu.
requestRemixerMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Remixer menu.
requestRootMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for its top-level menu of menus.
requestSearchResultsFrom(int, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, int, String, AtomicInteger) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for database records whose names contain text.
requestTimeMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Time menu, grouping tracks by their length in minutes.
requestTrackMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Track menu.
requestTracksByBitRateFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a track menu for a given track bit rate (in Kbps).
requestTracksByBpmRangeFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for tracks whose tempo falls within a specific percentage of a given BPM.
requestTracksByColorFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a track menu for a given color.
requestTracksByDecadeAndYear(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a track menu for a decade and year.
requestTracksByKeyAndDistanceFrom(SlotReference, int, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a track menu for an allowed distance from a given key.
requestTracksByRatingFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a track menu for a given rating.
requestTracksByTimeFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a track menu for a given time (track length in minutes).
requestWaveformDetailFrom(DataReference) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Ask the specified player for the specified waveform detail from the specified media slot, first checking if we have a cached copy.
requestWaveformPreviewFrom(DataReference) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Ask the specified player for the specified waveform preview from the specified media slot, first checking if we have a cached copy.
requestYearMenuFrom(SlotReference, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a Year menu, grouping years by decade.
requestYearsByDecadeFrom(SlotReference, int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MenuLoader
Ask the specified player for a year menu for a given decade.
reverse - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
If true, the player was playing backwards when this update was created.
ROOT_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the top-level menu of the player.
RUSSIAN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language


sameNetwork(int, InetAddress, InetAddress) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Checks whether two internet addresses are on the same subnet.
SD_SLOT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
The track was loaded from the Secure Digital media slot.
SEARCH_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks to search the database for records matching the specified text (artist, album, track names, possibly other things).
SEARCH_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the search interface.
SearchableItem - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Represents an item with an ID and label that can be used as a way to select tracks in a dynamic playlist request, and on which playlists can be sorted.
SearchableItem(int, String) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SearchableItem
Constructor simply sets the immutable value fields.
SEARCHING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
The player is searching forwards or backwards.
segmentColor(int, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Determine the color of the waveform given an index into it.
segmentColor(int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Determine the color of the waveform given an index into it.
segmentCount - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
The pixel width (number of waveform preview columns) available.
segmentHeight(int, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Determine the height of the preview given an index into it.
segmentHeight(int, int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Determine the height of the waveform given an index into it.
sendBeat() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Sends a beat packet.
sendBeat(Snapshot) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Sends a beat packet.
sendFaderStartCommand(Set<Integer>, Set<Integer>) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Broadcast a packet that tells some players to start playing and others to stop.
sendLoadSettingsCommand(int, PlayerSettings) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Send a packet to the target player telling it to apply the supplied settings.
sendLoadSettingsCommand(DeviceUpdate, PlayerSettings) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Send a packet to the target device telling it to apply the supplied settings.
sendLoadTrackCommand(int, int, int, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, CdjStatus.TrackType) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Send a packet to the target player telling it to load the specified track from the specified source player.
sendLoadTrackCommand(DeviceUpdate, int, int, CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot, CdjStatus.TrackType) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Send a packet to the target device telling it to load the specified track from the specified source player.
sendMediaQuery(SlotReference) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Ask a device for information about the media mounted in a particular slot.
sendOnAirCommand(Set<Integer>) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Broadcast a packet that tells the players which channels are on the air (audible in the mixer output).
sendOnAirExtendedCommand(Set<Integer>) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Broadcast a packet that tells the players which channels are on the air (audible in the mixer output).
sendSyncModeCommand(int, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Tell a device to turn sync on or off.
sendSyncModeCommand(DeviceUpdate, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Tell a device to turn sync on or off.
setAnnounceInterval(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Set the interval, in milliseconds, at which we broadcast presence announcements on the network to pose as a virtual CDJ.
setArtCacheSize(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Set how many album art images can be kept in the in-memory second-level cache.
setAutoScroll(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Control whether the component should automatically center itself on the playback position of the player that is furthest into the track.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Change the color to which the background is cleared before drawing the waveform.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Change the color to which the background is cleared before drawing the waveform.
setBeatGrid(BeatGrid) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Establish a beat grid to use when translating between times and beat numbers, for example to paint the phrase bars.
setColorPreferred(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Set whether we should obtain color versions of waveforms and previews when they are available.
setDeviceName(String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Set the name to be used in announcing our presence on the network.
setDeviceNumber(byte) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Set the device number to be used when sending presence announcements on the network to pose as a virtual CDJ.
setEmphasisColor(Color) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Change the color with which the playback position is drawn when playback is active.
setEmphasisColor(Color) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Change the color with which the playback position is drawn when playback is active.
setFetchSongStructures(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Determine whether we should try to obtain the song structure for tracks that we are displaying, and paint the phrase information at the bottom of the waveform.
setFetchSongStructures(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Determine whether we should try to obtain the song structure for tracks that we are displaying, and paint the phrase information at the bottom of the waveform.
setFindDetails(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Set whether we should retrieve the waveform details in addition to the waveform previews.
setIdleLimit(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Determine how long an idle connection will be kept open for reuse.
setIndicatorColor(Color) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Change the color with which the playback position and tick markers are drawn.
setIndicatorColor(Color) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Change the color with which the playback position and tick markers are drawn.
setLabelFont(Font) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Specify the font to be used when drawing hot cue, memory point, and loop labels.
setMenuBatchSize(long) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Set the maximum number of menu items we will request at a single time.
setMonitoredPlayer(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Configures the player whose current track waveforms and status will automatically be reflected.
setMonitoredPlayer(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Configures the player whose current track waveforms and status will automatically be reflected.
setOnAir(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Change whether we believe our channel is currently on the air (audible in the mixer output).
setOverlayPainter(OverlayPainter) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Arrange for an overlay to be painted on top of the component.
setOverlayPainter(OverlayPainter) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Arrange for an overlay to be painted on top of the component.
setPassive(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Set whether we are configured to use metadata only from caches or downloaded metadata exports, never actively requesting it from a player.
setPayloadByte(byte[], int, byte) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Helper function to create the payload for a packet being sent to port 50001 or 50002, while working with the byte addresses shown in the protocol analysis document (adjusts the address to account for the fact that the standard packet header up through the device name has not yet been prepended).
setPlaybackState(int, long, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Set the current playback state for a player.
setPlaybackState(int, long, boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Set the current playback state for a player.
setPlaying(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Controls whether we report that we are playing.
setRepaintDelegate(RepaintDelegate) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Establish a host component to which all Component.repaint(int, int, int, int) calls should be delegated, presumably because we are being soft-loaded in a large user interface to save on memory.
setRequestHighResolutionArt(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Set whether we should attempt to obtain high resolution art when it is available.
setRetryLimit(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Set how many times we will try to download a file from a player before giving up.
setScale(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Set the zoom scale of the view.
setSendingStatus(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Control whether the Virtual CDJ sends status packets to the other players.
setSlack(long) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Set how many milliseconds our interpolated time is allowed to drift from what is being reported by a player before we consider it a significant enough change to report to listeners that are trying to closely track a player's playback position.
setSocketTimeout(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Set how long we will wait for a socket to connect or for a read operation to complete.
setSongStructure(RekordboxAnlz.SongStructureTag) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Establish a song structure (phrase analysis) to be displayed on the waveform.
setSongStructure(RekordboxAnlz.SongStructureTag) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Establish a song structure (phrase analysis) to be displayed on the waveform.
setStatusInterval(int) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Change the interval at which we will send status packets, if we are configured to send them.
setSynced(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Controls whether we are currently staying in sync with the tempo master.
setSyncMode(boolean) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.SyncListener
Invoked when we have received a message telling us to turn sync mode on or off.
setTempo(double) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Controls the tempo at which we report ourselves to be playing.
setTempoEpsilon(double) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Set how large a tempo change is required before we consider it to be a real difference.
SETUP_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
The special initial request that is sent as the second action after opening a new connection, to enable further database queries.
setUseStandardPlayerNumber(boolean) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
When self-assigning a player number, should we try to use a value that is legal for a standard CDJ, in the range 1 to 4? By default, we do not, to avoid any potential conflict with real players.
setWaveform(WaveformDetail, CueList, BeatGrid) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Change the waveform preview being drawn.
setWaveform(WaveformDetail, TrackMetadata, BeatGrid) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Change the waveform preview being drawn.
setWaveformPreview(WaveformPreview, int, CueList) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Change the waveform preview being drawn.
setWaveformPreview(WaveformPreview, TrackMetadata) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Change the waveform preview being drawn.
signature - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureUpdate
The track signature now associated with the track loaded in the player.
signatureChanged(SignatureUpdate) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureListener
Called when the track signature available for a player has changed.
SignatureFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and when enough elements have been loaded, calculates a signature string that uniquely identifies the track, based on its title, artist, duration, waveform, and beat grid.
SignatureListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when the signatures available for a track loaded in any player change.
SignatureUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides notification when the track signature associated with a player changes.
SignatureUpdate(int, String) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureUpdate
SIMPLE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
simpleRequest(Message.KnownType, Message.KnownType, Field...) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Send a request that expects a single message as its response, then read and return that response.
SINGLE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PlayMode
slipFlashing - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the Slip Flashing feature.
slot - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
The slot in which the track, album art, beat grid, or waveform is mounted.
slot - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SlotReference
The specific type of the slot.
slotReference - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The player and slot in which this media resides.
SlotReference - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Uniquely identifies a media slot on the network from which tracks can be loaded, by the player and slot type.
SORT_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
The comparator used for sorting the cue list entries during construction, which orders them by position within the track, with hot cues coming after ordinary memory points if both exist at the same position.
SORT_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
Types of sorting available? I am not entirely sure when this is used.
SPANISH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Start listening for beat announcements and sync commands.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Start finding analysis tags for all active players.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Start finding album art for all active players.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Start finding beat grids for all active players.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Start finding track metadata for all active players using the NFS server on the players to pull the exported database and track analysis files.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Start finding track metadata for all active players.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Start finding waveforms for all active players.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Start interpolating playback position for all active players.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Start finding waveforms for all active players.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Start offering shared dbserver sessions.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Start listening for device announcements and keeping track of the DJ Link devices visible on the network.
start() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Start announcing ourselves and listening for status packets.
start(byte) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Start announcing ourselves as a specific device number (if we can claim it) and listening for status packets.
started(LifecycleParticipant) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleListener
Called when the subsystem has started up.
STATUS_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The byte within the status packet which contains useful status information, labeled F in the Packet Analysis document.
STATUS_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
The byte within the status packet which contains useful status information, labeled F in the Packet Analysis document.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
Stop listening for beats.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Stop finding analysis tag information for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
Stop finding album art for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
Stop finding beat grids for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
Stop finding track metadata for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
Stop finding track metadata for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
Stop finding signatures for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
Stop interpolating playback position for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
Stop finding waveforms for all active players.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
Stop offering shared dbserver sessions.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
Stop listening for device announcements.
stop() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
Stop announcing ourselves and listening for status updates.
stopped(LifecycleParticipant) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.LifecycleListener
Called when the subsystem has shut down.
STOPPED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState2
The player is stopped.
StringField - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver
A string field holds a UTF8-BE encoded string whose length is determined by the 4-byte big-endian integer that follows the type tag.
StringField(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
Constructor for reading from the network.
StringField(String) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
Constructor for code.
stringToProtocolNumber(String) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
Converts a short (up to four character) string to the byte-reversed integer value used to represent that string in dbserver protocol requests for track analysis tags.
SUB_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
The secondary menu which sometimes appears down the right half of the player display.
supportedMedia() - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataProvider
Get the list of media devices for which metadata can be offered by this provider.
SWEDISH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
sync - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the Sync feature.
SYNC_CONTROL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Used to tell a player to turn sync on or off, or that it should become the tempo master.
SYNCED_FLAG - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
The bit within the status flag that indicates the player is synced, as illustrated in the Packet Analysis document.
SyncListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The listener interface for receiving sync control messages.


taggedSection - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder.CacheEntry
The parsed analysis file section itself.
taggedSection - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagUpdate
The parsed track analysis section which is now associated with the track loaded in the player's main deck.
targetPlayer - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
The player number we are communicating with.
TEARDOWN_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
The special final request that is sent before closing the connection.
TEMPO - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The tempo of a track, BPM times 100, part of the track metadata response.
tempoChanged(double) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterAdapter
tempoChanged(double) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterListener
Invoked when the master tempo has changed.
tempoRange - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls the range of the tempo fader.
TIME_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the time (track length in minutes) list.
TIME_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of track times (in minutes) in the specified media slot.
TIME_ONLY_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
A comparator for sorting or searching entries that considers only their position within the track, and not whether they are a hot cue.
timeDisplayMode - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls how time is displayed on the player.
TimeFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Watches the beat packets and transport information contained in player status update to infer the current track playback position based on the most recent information available, the time at which that was received, and the playback pitch and direction that was in effect at that time.
timestamp - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
When this update was received.
timeToHalfFrame(long) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Convert a track position (time) into the corresponding half-frame value (75 frames per second, so 150 half-frames).
timeToHalfFrameRounded(long) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Convert a track position (time) into the corresponding rounded half-frame value (75 frames per second, so 150 half-frames).
toolTipText(Point) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Checks whether we have anything that could reasonably be displayed as a tool tip when the mouse is hovering over the specified point, for programs that want to offer such a feature in their user interface.
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Beat
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.BeatFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArt
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AlbumArtUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ArtFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGrid
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.BeatGridUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.ColorItem
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CrateDigger
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList.Entry
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.CueList
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DataReference
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.DeckReference
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.MetadataFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.PlaybackState
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SearchableItem
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SignatureUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.SlotReference
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TimeFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadataUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.BinaryField
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.StringField
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceAnnouncement
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceFinder
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceReference
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.DeviceUpdate
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MixerStatus
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PrecisePosition
toString() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
totalSize - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The size of the storage space, in bytes.
TOUCH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust
TOUCH_RELEASE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust
TRACK_INFO - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
The pseudo-menu of track metadata.
TRACK_LIST_ENTRY_BY_COLOR - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and color of a track, return when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by color, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the track list.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_ALBUM_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu for a particular album in the specified media slot.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu by artist and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for album ID.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_BIT_RATE_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu for a particular track bit rate (in Kbps) in the specified media slot.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_BPM_AND_DISTANCE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu by BPM and distance, which represents a percentage tolerance by which the BPM can differ, ranging from 0 to 6.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_COLOR_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu for a particular color in the specified media slot.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_DECADE_YEAR_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu for a particular decade and year in the specified media slot.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_GENRE_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu by genre, artist, and album, can specify all artists and/or albums by passing -1 for the artist and/or album IDs.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_HISTORY_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu for a particular rating in the specified media slot.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_KEY_AND_DISTANCE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu by key and distance (which represents harmonic compatibility as allowed movement around the circle of fifths), ranging from 0 to 2.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_LABEL_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu by genre, artist, and album, can specify all artists and/or albums by passing -1 for the artist and/or album IDs.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_ORIGINAL_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu by original artist and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for the album ID.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_RATING_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu for a particular rating in the specified media slot.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_REMIXER_AND_ALBUM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu by remixer and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for the album ID.
TRACK_MENU_FOR_TIME_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a track menu for a particular track time (length in minutes) in the specified media slot.
TRACK_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of all the tracks in the specified media slot.
TRACK_SOURCE_SLOT_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Allows a known track source slot value to be looked up based on the byte that was seen in a status update.
TRACK_TITLE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The string identifying the name of a track, part of the track metadata response, as well as track lists and play lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_ALBUM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and album of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by album, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_ARTIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and artist of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by artist, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_BPM - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and BPM of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by BPM, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_COMMENT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and comment of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by comment, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_DATE_ADDED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and date added of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by date added, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_DJ_PLAY_COUNT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and play count of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by how many times the DJ has played the track, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_GENRE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and genre of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by genre, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_KEY - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and key of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by key, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_LABEL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and label of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by label, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_ORIGINAL_ARTIST - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and original artist of a track, returned when listing playlists sorted by original artist, or in their default sort order when listing all tracks and the DJ has set the original artist as the second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_RATE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and bit rate of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by bit rate, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_RATING - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and rating of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by rating, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_REMIXER - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and remixer of a track, returned when listing playlists sorted by remixer, or in their default sort order when listing all tracks and the DJ has set this as the second column for track lists.
TRACK_TITLE_AND_TIME - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Reports the title and duration of a track, returned when listing playlists or all tracks sorted by time, or in their default sort order when the DJ has set this as the default second column for track lists.
TRACK_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus
Allows a known track source type value to be looked up based on the byte that was seen in a status update.
trackCount - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MediaDetails
The number of rekordbox tracks in the media database.
TrackMetadata - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Represents rekordbox metadata (title, artist, etc.) about tracks loaded into players on a DJ Link network.
TrackMetadata(DataReference, Database, CueList) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
Constructor for when reading from a rekordbox export file.
TrackMetadataListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when the metadata available about a track loaded in any player changes.
TrackMetadataUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides notification when the track metadata associated with a player changes.
TrackPositionBeatListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when a new beat has occurred during track playback, when you want to know the actual new beat number (the beat packet itself does not carry this information, but the TimeFinder integrates it for you).
TrackPositionListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when there are significant changes to the movement through a track on a player (for example, to send time code that represents the progress of playing the track).
TrackPositionUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Keeps track of the most recent information we have received from a player from which we have been able to compute a track position.
TrackPositionUpdate(long, long, int, boolean, boolean, double, boolean, BeatGrid) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
Constructor simply sets the fields of this immutable value class.
TrackPositionUpdate(long, long, int, boolean, boolean, double, boolean, BeatGrid, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackPositionUpdate
Constructor simply sets the fields of this immutable value class.
trackReference - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
The unique track identifier that was used to request this track metadata.
trackType - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.TrackMetadata
The type of track described by this metadata.
transaction - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
The 4-byte number field that provides the sequence number tying a query to its response messages, immediately following the message start field.
tryLockingForMenuOperations(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Attempt to secure exclusive access to this player for performing a menu operation, which requires multiple request/response cycles.
TURKISH - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
TYPE_1 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType
TYPE_2 - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType
typeTag - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagFinder.CacheEntry
The four-character type code identifying the specific section of the analysis file that was cached.
typeTag - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.AnalysisTagUpdate
The four-character tag type code identifying the specific analysis section which has changed.


UNANALYZED - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
The track was loaded from digital media (including a data disc), but was not from rekordbox, and so has not been analyzed for beat grid and waveforms.
UNANALYZED_METADATA_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for metadata about a CD track, by track number.
UNAVAILABLE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Indicates that the item that was just requested cannot be found.
UNKNOWN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
We received a value we don’t recognize, so we don’t know what it means.
UNKNOWN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState2
We saw an unknown value, so we don’t know what it means.
UNKNOWN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
We received a value that we did not recognize, so we don’t know what it means.
UNKNOWN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
We saw a value that we did not recognize, so we don’t know where the track came from.
UNKNOWN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
We received a value that we did not recognize, so we don’t know what it means.
UNKNOWN - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
We received a value that we don't recognize, so we don't know what it contains.
unlockForMenuOperations() - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Client
Allow other threads to perform menu operations.
unsign(byte) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Converts a signed byte to its unsigned int equivalent in the range 0-255.
UPDATE_PORT - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.VirtualCdj
The port to which other devices will send status update messages.
USB_SLOT - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
The track was loaded from the USB socket.
useClient(Client) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.ConnectionManager.ClientTask
Util - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Provides utility functions.
Util.PacketType - Enum in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
The known packet types used in the protocol, along with the byte values which identify them, and the names by which we describe them, and the port on which they are received.


validateHeader(DatagramPacket, int) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Check to see whether a packet starts with the standard header bytes, followed by a known byte identifying it.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState2
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Illumination
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PlayMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Toggle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState1
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState2
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.PlayState3
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.CdjStatus.TrackType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuIdentifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoCueLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.AutoLoadMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Illumination
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogWheelDisplay
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Language
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.LcdBrightness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PadButtonBrightness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PhaseMeterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.PlayMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.QuantizeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TimeDisplayMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.Toggle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.VinylSpeedAdjust
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util.PacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VINYL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.JogMode
vinylSpeedAdjust - Variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings
Controls when vinyl speed adjustment is used.
VirtualCdj - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink
Provides the ability to create a virtual CDJ device that can lurk on a DJ Link network and receive packets sent to players, monitoring the detailed state of the other devices.


WAVE_DETAIL - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns the bytes of the detailed waveform which is scrolled through while the track is playing.
WAVE_DETAIL_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the detailed waveform data for a track, by rekordbox ID.
WAVE_PREVIEW - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Returns the bytes of the small waveform preview to be displayed at the bottom of the player display, or in rekordbox track lists.
WAVE_PREVIEW_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for the preview (summary) waveform data for a track, by rekordbox ID.
WaveformDetail - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Gives a detail view of the audio content of a track, and offers a Swing component for rendering that view as part of a user interface, along with annotations showing the current playback position, beats, and cue points, if the appropriate metadata is available.
WaveformDetail(DataReference, ByteBuffer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Constructor for use with external caching mechanisms.
WaveformDetail(DataReference, Message) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Constructor when reading from the network or a file.
WaveformDetail(DataReference, RekordboxAnlz) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetail
Constructor when received from Crate Digger.
WaveformDetailComponent - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides a convenient way to draw waveform detail in a user interface, including annotations like the location at the current time, and cue point markers and loops (if you supply TrackMetadata so their location can be determined), and beat markers (if you also supply a BeatGrid).
WaveformDetailComponent(int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Create a view which updates itself to reflect the track loaded on a particular player, and that player's playback progress.
WaveformDetailComponent(WaveformDetail, CueList, BeatGrid) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Create a view which draws a specific waveform, even if it is not currently loaded in a player.
WaveformDetailComponent(WaveformDetail, TrackMetadata, BeatGrid) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformDetailComponent
Create a view which draws a specific waveform, even if it is not currently loaded in a player.
WaveformDetailUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides notification when the waveform detail associated with a player changes.
WaveformFinder - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Watches for new metadata to become available for tracks loaded on players, and queries the appropriate player for track waveforms when that happens.
WaveformListener - Interface in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
The listener interface for receiving updates when the waveforms available for a track loaded in any player change.
WaveformPreview - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Gives a birds-eye view of the audio content of a track, and offers a Swing component for rendering that view as part of a user interface, along with annotations showing the current playback position and cue points, if the appropriate metadata is available.
WaveformPreview(DataReference, ByteBuffer, boolean) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Constructor when creating from an external caching mechanism.
WaveformPreview(DataReference, RekordboxAnlz) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreview
Constructor when received from Crate Digger.
WaveformPreviewComponent - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides a convenient way to draw a waveform preview in a user interface, including annotations like the current time and minute markers (if you supply TrackMetadata so the total length can be determined), and cue markers (if you also supply a CueList).
WaveformPreviewComponent(int) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Create a view which updates itself to reflect the track loaded on a particular player, and that player's playback progress.
WaveformPreviewComponent(WaveformPreview, int, CueList) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Create a view which draws a specific waveform, even if it is not currently loaded in a player.
WaveformPreviewComponent(WaveformPreview, TrackMetadata) - Constructor for class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data.WaveformPreviewComponent
Create a view which draws a specific waveform, even if it is not currently loaded in a player.
WaveformPreviewUpdate - Class in org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.data
Provides notification when the waveform preview associated with a player changes.
WIDE - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.PlayerSettings.TempoRange
WORD_0 - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
A four-byte field representing the number zero, used in many requests, so they can save the time and garbage of constructing throwaway versions.
WORD_1 - Static variable in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.NumberField
A four-byte field representing the number one, used in some requests, so they can save the time and garbage of constructing throwaway versions.
write(WritableByteChannel) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Field
Write the field to the specified channel.
write(WritableByteChannel) - Method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message
Writes the message to the specified channel, for example when saving to a file (like a Beat Link Trigger show).
writeFully(ByteBuffer, WritableByteChannel) - Static method in class org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.Util
Writes the entire remaining contents of the buffer to the channel.


YEAR - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
A number identifying a year in which a track was created.
YEAR_MENU - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.MenuItemType
The root menu item that takes you to the years by decade list.
YEAR_MENU_FOR_DECADE_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a year menu for a particular decade in the specified media slot.
YEAR_MENU_REQ - org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.dbserver.Message.KnownType
Asks for a list of years (at the decade level) in the specified media slot.
yieldMasterTo(int) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterHandoffListener
Invoked when we have received a message asking us to yield the tempo master role to another device.
yieldResponse(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.deepsymmetry.beatlink.MasterHandoffListener
Invoked when we have received a response from a device we have asked to yield the tempo master role to us.
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