Enum Message.KnownType

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      This response contains the binary image data of requested album art.
      Asks for an album artwork image, by artwork ID.
      Asks for an album menu for a particular artist in the specified media slot.
      Asks for an album menu by genre and artist, can specify all artists by passing -1 for artist ID.
      Asks for an album menu by label and artist, can specify all artists by passing -1 for artist ID.
      Asks for an album menu for a particular original artist in the specified media slot.
      Asks for an album menu for a particular original artist in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of albums in the specified media slot.
      Returns the bytes of the requested tag from an ANLZnnnn.DAT or ANLZnnnn.EXT file.
      This is a multipurpose request added for the nxs2 players which allows a specific tagged element of an ANLZnnnn.DAT or ANLZnnnn.EXT file to be retrieved.
      Asks for an artist menu for a particular genre in the specified media slot.
      Asks for an artist menu for a particular label in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of artists in the specified media slot.
      Returns information about the beat number (within a bar) and millisecond position within the track of each beat in a track.
      Asks for the beat grid of a track, by rekordbox id.
      Asks for a list of track bit rates (in kilobits per second) in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of track tempos found in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of tempo ranges around a given tempo.
      Asks for a list of colors in the specified media slot.
      Returns information about any memory points, loops, and hot cues set in the track.
      Returns extended information about any memory points, loops, and hot cues set in the track, including DJ comments, colors, and hot cues beyond C.
      Asks for the memory points, loops, and hot cues of a track, including comments and colors, by rekordbox ID.
      Asks for the memory points, loops, and hot cues of a track, by rekordbox ID.
      Asks for a list of track file names found in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a folder menu, of the raw media filesystem in the specified slot.
      Asks for a list of genres in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of performance histories found in the specified media slot.
      A response indicating that a request could not be fulfilled for some reason.
      Asks for a list of track keys found in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of record labels in the specified media slot.
      This response indicates that a query has been accepted, and reports how many results are available.
      When RENDER_MENU_REQ is used to retrieve a set of results, this message will be sent as the final response, following any MENU_ITEM messages that were requested.
      When RENDER_MENU_REQ is used to retrieve a set of results, this message will be sent as the first response, followed by as many MENU_ITEM messages as were requested.
      A series of messages of this type are the payload returned in response to RENDER_MENU_REQ.
      Asks for a key neighbor menu (showing harmonically compatible keys and their distance, ranging from 0 to 2) available in the specified media slot.
      Asks for the original artist menu for the specified media slot.
      Asks for a playlist or folder by ID.
      Asks for a list of ratings in the specified media slot.
      Asks for the metadata associated with a particular track, by rekordbox ID.
      Asks for the remixer menu for the specified media slot.
      Once a specific type of request has been made and acknowledged, this allows the results to be retrieved, possibly in paginated chunks starting at offset, returning up to limit results.
      Asks for the top-level menu of the player.
      Asks to search the database for records matching the specified text (artist, album, track names, possibly other things).
      The special initial request that is sent as the second action after opening a new connection, to enable further database queries.
      The special final request that is sent before closing the connection.
      Asks for a list of track times (in minutes) in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a track menu for a particular album in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a track menu by artist and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for album ID.
      Asks for a track menu for a particular track bit rate (in Kbps) in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a track menu by BPM and distance, which represents a percentage tolerance by which the BPM can differ, ranging from 0 to 6.
      Asks for a track menu for a particular color in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a track menu for a particular decade and year in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a track menu by genre, artist, and album, can specify all artists and/or albums by passing -1 for the artist and/or album IDs.
      Asks for a track menu for a particular rating in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a track menu by key and distance (which represents harmonic compatibility as allowed movement around the circle of fifths), ranging from 0 to 2.
      Asks for a track menu by genre, artist, and album, can specify all artists and/or albums by passing -1 for the artist and/or album IDs.
      Asks for a track menu by original artist and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for the album ID.
      Asks for a track menu for a particular rating in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a track menu by remixer and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for the album ID.
      Asks for a track menu for a particular track time (length in minutes) in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of all the tracks in the specified media slot.
      Asks for metadata about a CD track, by track number.
      Indicates that the item that was just requested cannot be found.
      Returns the bytes of the detailed waveform which is scrolled through while the track is playing.
      Asks for the detailed waveform data for a track, by rekordbox ID.
      Returns the bytes of the small waveform preview to be displayed at the bottom of the player display, or in rekordbox track lists.
      Asks for the preview (summary) waveform data for a track, by rekordbox ID.
      Asks for a year menu for a particular decade in the specified media slot.
      Asks for a list of years (at the decade level) in the specified media slot.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      String description
      The descriptive name of the message type.
      long protocolValue
      The numeric value that identifies this message type, by its presence in a 4-byte number field immediately following the message start indicator.
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • SETUP_REQ

        public static final Message.KnownType SETUP_REQ
        The special initial request that is sent as the second action after opening a new connection, to enable further database queries.

        public static final Message.KnownType INVALID_DATA
        A response indicating that a request could not be fulfilled for some reason.

        public static final Message.KnownType TEARDOWN_REQ
        The special final request that is sent before closing the connection.

        public static final Message.KnownType ROOT_MENU_REQ
        Asks for the top-level menu of the player.

        public static final Message.KnownType GENRE_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of genres in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ARTIST_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of artists in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of albums in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of all the tracks in the specified media slot.
      • BPM_MENU_REQ

        public static final Message.KnownType BPM_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of track tempos found in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType RATING_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of ratings in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType YEAR_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of years (at the decade level) in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType LABEL_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of record labels in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType COLOR_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of colors in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TIME_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of track times (in minutes) in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType BIT_RATE_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of track bit rates (in kilobits per second) in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType HISTORY_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of performance histories found in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType FILENAME_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of track file names found in the specified media slot.
      • KEY_MENU_REQ

        public static final Message.KnownType KEY_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a list of track keys found in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ARTIST_MENU_FOR_GENRE_REQ
        Asks for an artist menu for a particular genre in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_MENU_FOR_ARTIST_REQ
        Asks for an album menu for a particular artist in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_ALBUM_REQ
        Asks for a track menu for a particular album in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType PLAYLIST_REQ
        Asks for a playlist or folder by ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType BPM_RANGE_REQ
        Asks for a list of tempo ranges around a given tempo.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_RATING_REQ
        Asks for a track menu for a particular rating in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType YEAR_MENU_FOR_DECADE_REQ
        Asks for a year menu for a particular decade in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ARTIST_MENU_FOR_LABEL_REQ
        Asks for an artist menu for a particular label in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_COLOR_REQ
        Asks for a track menu for a particular color in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_TIME_REQ
        Asks for a track menu for a particular track time (length in minutes) in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_BIT_RATE_REQ
        Asks for a track menu for a particular track bit rate (in Kbps) in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_HISTORY_REQ
        Asks for a track menu for a particular rating in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType NEIGHBOR_MENU_FOR_KEY
        Asks for a key neighbor menu (showing harmonically compatible keys and their distance, ranging from 0 to 2) available in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_MENU_FOR_GENRE_AND_ARTIST
        Asks for an album menu by genre and artist, can specify all artists by passing -1 for artist ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM
        Asks for a track menu by artist and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for album ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_BPM_AND_DISTANCE
        Asks for a track menu by BPM and distance, which represents a percentage tolerance by which the BPM can differ, ranging from 0 to 6.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_DECADE_YEAR_REQ
        Asks for a track menu for a particular decade and year in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_MENU_FOR_LABEL_AND_ARTIST
        Asks for an album menu by label and artist, can specify all artists by passing -1 for artist ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_KEY_AND_DISTANCE
        Asks for a track menu by key and distance (which represents harmonic compatibility as allowed movement around the circle of fifths), ranging from 0 to 2.

        public static final Message.KnownType SEARCH_MENU
        Asks to search the database for records matching the specified text (artist, album, track names, possibly other things). Returns a variety of different menu item types.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_GENRE_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM
        Asks for a track menu by genre, artist, and album, can specify all artists and/or albums by passing -1 for the artist and/or album IDs.

        public static final Message.KnownType ORIGINAL_ARTIST_MENU_REQ
        Asks for the original artist menu for the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_LABEL_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM
        Asks for a track menu by genre, artist, and album, can specify all artists and/or albums by passing -1 for the artist and/or album IDs.

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_MENU_FOR_ORIGINAL_ARTIST_REQ
        Asks for an album menu for a particular original artist in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_ORIGINAL_ARTIST_AND_ALBUM
        Asks for a track menu by original artist and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for the album ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType REMIXER_MENU_REQ
        Asks for the remixer menu for the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_MENU_FOR_REMIXER_REQ
        Asks for an album menu for a particular original artist in the specified media slot.

        public static final Message.KnownType TRACK_MENU_FOR_REMIXER_AND_ALBUM
        Asks for a track menu by remixer and album, can specify all albums by passing -1 for the album ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType REKORDBOX_METADATA_REQ
        Asks for the metadata associated with a particular track, by rekordbox ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_ART_REQ
        Asks for an album artwork image, by artwork ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType WAVE_PREVIEW_REQ
        Asks for the preview (summary) waveform data for a track, by rekordbox ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType FOLDER_MENU_REQ
        Asks for a folder menu, of the raw media filesystem in the specified slot.
      • CUE_LIST_REQ

        public static final Message.KnownType CUE_LIST_REQ
        Asks for the memory points, loops, and hot cues of a track, by rekordbox ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType UNANALYZED_METADATA_REQ
        Asks for metadata about a CD track, by track number.

        public static final Message.KnownType BEAT_GRID_REQ
        Asks for the beat grid of a track, by rekordbox id.

        public static final Message.KnownType WAVE_DETAIL_REQ
        Asks for the detailed waveform data for a track, by rekordbox ID.

        public static final Message.KnownType CUE_LIST_EXT_REQ
        Asks for the memory points, loops, and hot cues of a track, including comments and colors, by rekordbox ID.
      • ANLZ_TAG_REQ

        public static final Message.KnownType ANLZ_TAG_REQ
        This is a multipurpose request added for the nxs2 players which allows a specific tagged element of an ANLZnnnn.DAT or ANLZnnnn.EXT file to be retrieved. The tag type is the four-character-code identifying the desired file section (with bytes in reverse order), and the file extension is the same for the extension identifying the desired file. (For an EXT file they are 00 54 58 45, or "EXT" padded with a NUL and reversed.)

        public static final Message.KnownType RENDER_MENU_REQ
        Once a specific type of request has been made and acknowledged, this allows the results to be retrieved, possibly in paginated chunks starting at offset, returning up to limit results.

        public static final Message.KnownType MENU_AVAILABLE
        This response indicates that a query has been accepted, and reports how many results are available. They are now ready to be retrieved using RENDER_MENU_REQ.

        public static final Message.KnownType MENU_HEADER
        When RENDER_MENU_REQ is used to retrieve a set of results, this message will be sent as the first response, followed by as many MENU_ITEM messages as were requested.
      • ALBUM_ART

        public static final Message.KnownType ALBUM_ART
        This response contains the binary image data of requested album art.

        public static final Message.KnownType UNAVAILABLE
        Indicates that the item that was just requested cannot be found.
      • MENU_ITEM

        public static final Message.KnownType MENU_ITEM
        A series of messages of this type are the payload returned in response to RENDER_MENU_REQ. The number requested will be delivered, in between a MENU_HEADER and a MENU_FOOTER message. Each message will be of a particular subtype, which is identified by the value of the 7th argument; see Message.MenuItemType for known values.

        public static final Message.KnownType MENU_FOOTER
        When RENDER_MENU_REQ is used to retrieve a set of results, this message will be sent as the final response, following any MENU_ITEM messages that were requested.

        public static final Message.KnownType WAVE_PREVIEW
        Returns the bytes of the small waveform preview to be displayed at the bottom of the player display, or in rekordbox track lists.
      • BEAT_GRID

        public static final Message.KnownType BEAT_GRID
        Returns information about the beat number (within a bar) and millisecond position within the track of each beat in a track.
      • CUE_LIST

        public static final Message.KnownType CUE_LIST
        Returns information about any memory points, loops, and hot cues set in the track.

        public static final Message.KnownType WAVE_DETAIL
        Returns the bytes of the detailed waveform which is scrolled through while the track is playing.
      • CUE_LIST_EXT

        public static final Message.KnownType CUE_LIST_EXT
        Returns extended information about any memory points, loops, and hot cues set in the track, including DJ comments, colors, and hot cues beyond C.
      • ANLZ_TAG

        public static final Message.KnownType ANLZ_TAG
        Returns the bytes of the requested tag from an ANLZnnnn.DAT or ANLZnnnn.EXT file.
    • Field Detail

      • protocolValue

        public final long protocolValue
        The numeric value that identifies this message type, by its presence in a 4-byte number field immediately following the message start indicator.
      • description

        public final String description
        The descriptive name of the message type.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Message.KnownType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Message.KnownType c : Message.KnownType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Message.KnownType valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • describeArgument

        public String describeArgument​(int index)
        Get the descriptive name of the specified message argument, if one is known.
        index - the zero-based index identifying the argument whose description is desired.
        either the description found, or "unknown" if none was found.
      • arguments

        public List<String> arguments()
        Returns the descriptions of all known arguments, in order.
        a list of the descriptions of the arguments that are expected for this message type.